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Boiko Anna (annushka_b@mail.ru)Group ASC00aTheme of work: "Projecting of computer subsystem of data compressing by method of genetic programming"The chief of work is Orlov Yury Konstantinovich |
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Llinks catalogueMasters sites of the last yearsThe author is Solomka J. A subject of master work: " Research of applicability of genetic algorithms for optimization of neuronet systems ". The chief: is the lecturer, Fedyayev Oleg Victorovich 2. Master site The author is Kremeshnaya O. A subject: " Development of computer system of the information compression received as a result of research experiments, for a long-term storage " The chief: the senior lecturer, c.t.n. Orlov Yury Konstantinovich Basic portalsThe course on genetic programming and algorithms. Contains examples of the programs. 4. All about compression The portal is devoted to methods of compression of a various sort of the information 5. Popularly about genetic programming This site is about bases of algorithmization with application of genetic algorithms (ukr). 6. Algorithms of data compression This portal is about algorithms of compression. The information on compression of the image, sound, numerical data is submitted 7. A site of the company GeneticProgramming The portal, on which the extensive data on genetic programming, algorithms and artificial intelligence are submitted. 8. Analytical technologies Site of the Moscow company Neuroproject about use of neurocalculations, genetic algorithms. The catalogue of program development is given 9. Laboratory of evolutionary calculations The portal is devoted to evolutionary and genetic programming. It's created in D.Mayson university. There are publications and finished developments. 10. Genetic programming The international community, which is engaged in introduction of development on genetic programming. . 11. www.mari-el.ru The course of lectures on artificial intelligence Home pages13. Lectures about genetic algorithms Lecture material of Redko, which contains the mathematical calculations and ratings of efficiency of use of genetic algorithms 14. Genetic programming in C ++ Site Hans Kuhlmann / Mike Hollick about application of genetic algorithms for the decision of various tasks on C ++. 15. Mike Lalena's site Originals of the programs with use of genetic programming are laid out. 16. Zaharov M. home page. < br > On a site various clauses on compression of the information, and also some other questions are submitted 17. A home page of Alexandra Takac This site of Polish teacher containes the publication about use of genetic algorithms. 18. Compression of the data One more portal about compression of the information. Difference from others is the presence of the comparative characteristic of methods of compression Separate articlesIt's about compression of the tables in Oracle, translated by V. Kravchuk 20. Application of GP This article on a congress of conferences on information technologies is devoted to application of genetic programming in procedures of educational testing 21. J. Burger article It's about soft calculations and genetic programming 22. Methods of compression of the information Survey article with the description of various ways of compression of the information. 23. Search of the new forms of compression The article of the Internet-edition "Commentator" about the forms of compression of the information. 24. Using genetic programming The article of Robert A. Dain from laboratory of development of genetic programming. Use GP for creation of the mobile robot and modeling of its movement is demonstrated. 25. GP in data mining The site is about use of genetic programming in technology data mining. 26. "Minus thirty" The article of Vladimir Guriyev is about actuality of information compression (source - Internet-edition "Computerra") 27. Article of Krushel and Surgutanov It is devoted to model of evolution ethnoses and its realization on the basis of genetic algorithms 28. Genetic algorithms The article from library of institute of mathematics by Sobolev in Russia. On the same site there is a demo-version of the program for demonstration of work of genetic algorithm. 29. "The most adapted survive" The article of Brayan Konolly about removing of new generations of algorithms and mutation 30. Compression and decompression of the data The article of Qusay Mahmoud about methodsof comression and decompression with use of technology Java. The codes of the programs are given. 31. With what all began The article is about a history of occurrence of genetic algorithms, opportunity of their application. 32. Development of GP The article is about the tendency of application of genetic programming for the applications in the water industry. 33. The article of the Ukrainian conference Ukrainian article of Borisovsky. A subject of article: " ÎÑÎÁËÈÂÎÑÒ ² ÑÒÂÎÐÅÍÍß ²ÍÒÅÐÔÅÉÑÓ Ç ÊÎÐÈÑÒÓÂÀ×ÅÌ Ç ÂÈÊÎÐÈÑÒÀÍÍßÌ ÌÅÒÎIJ ÃÅÍÅÒÈ×ÍÎÃÎ ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÓÂÀÍÍß " 34. The practical side of evolutionary algorithms Article of Dr. Dobb's about application of evolutionary algorithms.Some materials on SQL and C ++ are submitted. Sites of separate firms and organizationsFirm offers to the buyers systems of a storage of the data 36. A site of firm Fujitsu-Siemens On a site the various kinds of systems of a storage of the data are submitted, the comparative characteristic, good description is given 37. A site of firm Sun One more site with the catalogue of the innovation decisions in the field of a storage of the data 38. Extreme genetic programming The site of the American firm, which is engaged in unusual development connected with genetic programming. 39. High availability of storage Site of the British company Syan with the offer of various devices of a storage of the information. MiscellaneousSome additional links on genetic algorithms 41. The russian fund of basic researches Good site containing electronic library, huge set of the publications, development in various scientific areas. 42. Using genetic programming to play The site which represents development of John Ahlschwede in a direction of use of genetic programming for game in Mancala (at the same time it's described the rule of this unfamiliar African game:) 43. Genetic programming Various materials about use of genetic programming and neuronets. 44. Everything, that you wanted to know about GP Section of the electronic encyclopedia about genetic algorithms. 45. Master article. The author is Boiko A. The subject is " Genetic programming as a method of compression of the data " |