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Boiko Anna ( ASC00aTheme of work: "Projecting of computer subsystem of data compressing by method of genetic programming"The chief of work is Orlov Yury Konstantinovich |
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LibraryIn this article it's described data compression as a result of hydrological researches. The urgency of the given question, brief review of methods, existing for today is given, and also the own vision by the author of a problem of compression of the data is offered. 2.The article of the Russian fund of basic researches. A subject of article: " INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES And INFORMATION RESOURCES of SPACE ECOLOGICAL MONITORING " In the given work the various aspects of development of space methods of the ecosystem control and satellite system of geoecological monitoring are considered. In particular, the problems of modernization of space ecological monitoring connected to development of a ground infrastructure of monitoring and to rough intrusion of Internets - technologies in the programs of ecological and natural resource researches by methods of remote sounding of the Earth are discussed. Clause is given in library as documentary acknowledgement of volumes of the data, which we receive every day at ecological and hydrological researches, and also necessity of compression and storage of such volumes of the information. The original of clause is located on 3. The brief review of methods of compression of the data. The author: Gennadiy Baranov In given clause the brief review of such methods of compression of the information, as " Compression by a way of coding of series ", " Arithmetic coding ", " Coding by sorting ", " Two-step coding is resulted. Algorithm of Lempel-Zive ", " Algorithm of Lempel-Zive-Velch ". Given clause is chosen for library, as, except for a statement of essence of methods, the author results also the basic characteristics of the process of compression, and also divides ways of compression into 2 basic criteria: convertible and irreversible. The original of clause is located on 4. Clause about application of genetic programming in technology Data mining. A subject: " Genetic programmig for imroved data mining. Application to biochemistry of protein interaction ". The authors: M.L.Raymer, W.F. Punch, E.D. Goodman, L.A. Kuhn In the given work the chemistry of fibers is investigated. With the help of genetic programming the influence of molecules of water on interaction of proteins is defined and their behaviour on various data sets is predicted. The development were carried out earlier with application of genetic algorithms. The new work has allowed to improve result and to find out additional functional dependences. Given clause is given in library as unusual practical application of genetic programming. (pdf-file, size - 40.2 kb). Source 5. Binary trees. A material from the book The given fragment of the printed edition is devoted to use of binary trees as an effective method of search. The typical functions are considered at work with a binary tree, such as: search of a minimum and maximum, additions of the site of a tree, removal of the site of a tree. Piecewise listings are given of the programs of each of the listed operations in a material. The given material is used in library, as the binary trees are analogues of hromosomes in genetic programming, which is used in master work 6.Article. A subject: " GENETIC ALGORITHMS: SYNTHESIS of STRUCTURES of computing SYSTEMS ". The authors: Costenko, Smelyanskiy., Trekin. In work the application of genetic algorithms for synthesis of structures of computing systems of real time (ÂÑ ÐÂ) is considered(examined). The basic attention is given to problems of adjustment of algorithms on a task of synthesis of structures ÂÑ ÐÂ and substantiation of the accepted decisions, and also the results of statistical research of algorithms 7. A fragment from the book of Semenov. " Automation of processing of the hydrological data " Moscow.: Hydrometheoizdat, 1988. p.213 . In the given fragment the description of organization and modern methods of supervision behind components of hydrosphere in an atmosphere, World ocean, on a surface of a land and its water objects, and also behind pollution of water objects is resulted. Besides the basic sources of reception of the information and volumes of the information are described which daily act from these sources. The problem of a storage of the hydrological information is described. 8. Methods of the decision of the nonlinear equations. This article is devoted to methods of the decision of the nonlinear equations, and also systems of the nonlinear equations. The material is included in library as a possible way of a presence of factors for generation of functions by a method of genetic programming. Is interesting to that in it the general principles of the decision of systems are described. The original of clause is on http: // 9. Genetic programming. The brief abstract. Thorsten Schnier. School of Computer Science. University of Birmingham- 2 -Genetic Very much interesting material, in which is given the brief abstract of lecture on genetic programming. As against other materials the information here is stated as brief plants, questions and answers, pictures are given, the performance of genetic programming in a linear kind and as the column is considered. It includes the most important items of information.(pdf-file, size-237 kb). Source |