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Boiko Anna (

Group ASC00a

Theme of work: "Projecting of computer subsystem of data compressing by method of genetic programming"

The chief of work is Orlov Yury Konstantinovich

Master work
Report about searching
Links catalogue
Individual task

Report about searching

Results of search on 10.03.05

Retrieval systems
Word collocations Rambler Yandex Meta Yahoo Google
Data compressing (rus) 66709 1893 1204105000128080
Genetic programming (rus) 1526 2743 1766591670
Projecting of computer subsystem (rus) 5194 72 351787011005
Using of genetic algorythm (rus) 2127 427 124850688
Data compressing 4767 1145 213516000562000
Data compressing (ukr)398 245 9010698
Genetic programming 8322 1000 48108999718607900
Compression and decompression of data (ukr) 24 8 222
Data bank (rus) 84156 2067 5402966043970000
Problem of data storing (rus) 36174 1717 1943107020132040

Results of search on 5.05.05

Retrieval systems
Word collocations Rambler Yandex Meta Yahoo Google
Data compressing (rus) 73609 1593 1604105000127000
Genetic programming (rus) 1626 2543 1756591690
Projecting of computer subsystem (rus) 5194 72 351787011000
Using of genetic algorythm (rus)2427 467 124850698
Data compressing 4760 1145 213516000560000
Data compressing (ukr)396 445 6910498
Genetic programming 8364 1001 4810700001860000
Compression and decompression of data (ukr) 24 7 322
Data bank (rus) 84141 2063 5102966000980000
Problem of data storing (rus)36179 1727 1957108000133000

Let's analyse results of search.

If to compare the first and second tables, it is visible, that, though has passed about two months, but the data have changed, and in the party of increase of amount of the found documents or pages.

Analyzing particularly given it is possible to see such dependences. As it is visible on first and on the fifth lines, the compression of the data uses the large popularity in environment Internet, that once again confirms a urgency of the chosen subject. And it is more sites in English on than tens thousand, that speaks about the large popularity or researches of this subject abroad, than at us. It is much less sites on ураинском than language, that is explained in unsufficiently large volume of a database. It proves to be true and результами on other searches in the Ukrainian language.

If to consider the tendency of productivity of retrieval systems, even on such small sample the appreciablly significant superiority of system Google. On sites in English with it(her) can compete Yahoo, and Russian resources well enough covers Rambler. Despite of apparently obvious orientation of a retrieval system Meta, Ukrainian sites it finds much less same Rambler.

The Line 7 at once induces an idea about incorrectivity of search, since all systems have given out a minimum quantity of results.