Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)

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Moskaliuk Yelena Nikolayevna
The Faculty of Computer Information Technology and Automation (CITA)
Speciality: Automated Control Systems (ACS)
Subject: "Designing a Computerized Optimization Subsystem of the Work of a Chemical Reactor (examplified by ammonia production)"
Supervisor: assistant professor of the ACS department Volodyn Nikolai Alexandrovich

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1. Own material

1)Moskaliuk Y.N. Optimization of the work of a chemical reactor.
The primary source: The collection of works of masters 2005.

2. Materials from Internet

2) Ammonia and a way of its production. In the given source there are the brief characteristic of ammonia, its physical and chemical properties, and also a brief way of its reception. Also there is the circuit of the unit of synthesis of ammonia (the technological circuit) is given.
The primary source:

3)Ammonia production. Here the technological circuit of ammonia production and also a stage of its reception is given.
The primary source:

4)Mathematical modelling and optimization in chemical technology (Shvets V.F., 1998), MATHEMATICS. Here user can find the technological circuit of ammonia production, and also a stage of ammonia production.
The primary source:

5) Identification of non-stationary fields of temperatures in view of final speed of distribution of heat. It is the author's abstract of the student of TS - 97 Danilchenko T.A. Work is devoted to studying of heat exchange which correct organization is an indispensable condition safe and trouble-free operation of thermal units.
The primary source:

6)The system of modelling DIVA. The system of modelling DIVA This is the abstract of the dissertation of the student computer engineering 96-b Mastak S.A. The theme of work: " Development and research of simulators of the complex technological processes focused on performance of the system DIVA with the network environment ". With the help of the environment of modelling DIVA it is possible to perform various works on modelling processes in set of areas of the chemical industry, and it helps to make of the decision at a choice of a variant of realization as technological process and construction of the technological device as a whole.
The primary source:

7)A method of chaser. Here is the method of chaser which is directly applied in master's thesis. The material is resulted in the Ukrainian language.
The primary source:

8)Chemical reactors. In the given material the characteristic of chemical reactors, their purpose, structure, a principle of work is resulted. Also there are circuits of some installations.
The primary source:

3. Paper sources

9)Article of the supervisor, in which are considered directly the gradient approach to the decision to a task in view.
The primary source: Volodin N.A., Tolstykh V.K. On application of the gradient method of optimization to the problem of heat control of the reactor. // Magazine Automatics, 1993., №1, p. 40-44.

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