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Fomina ElenaFaculty of Computers and Information ScienceSpeciality:
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About myself The mean score during the training at the university has made 4.35 (from 5). I speak freely Russian, Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I own the English and German languages. I take a great interest in programming under Internet, music and singing. The creative biography I was born on March 29, 1982 in the city of Donetsk in family of the workers: the daddy – Fomin Aleksey Alekseevich, mum – Fomina Zoya Mikhaylovna. The childhood at me was rather entertaining. I did not go to the nursery school – I have received home education. Our families lived in the house and among neighbour’s children were only boys, therefore my favourite toys were machines and pistols. Only after moving in a new apartment in a high-rise building at me many girlfriends have appeared which at last have explained to me, those dolls. As I was the rather sharp child, the parents have given back me in school number 125 per six years. I studied well - has received some creditable sheets and letters. At school at me many new interests and friends have appeared which imparted to me some of these interests. So, one my girlfriend has dragged me together with her on a musical circle (it was terrible!). Now I have music education on a class by accordion and piano. Went in pool, where I have learned to not be afraid of water. Now very well I swim. Frequently attended school library, so very much I love to read. I have learned to this useful business per four years. So I learned pleased by all up to middle of 8-th class, while at school the kind people, which have poured mercury in a study of chemistry. School has closed on quarantine. Everyone began to run up in different schools, and I too. So I also have got in school 124, which has finished in 1999. After 9-th class I wanted to arrive in college at Donetsk In stitute of Artificial Intelligence, but... So it has turned out, what at school I studied German language, and in college took only with English (and where validity?). Here I also have reflected above study of this remarkable language. It was necessary worked summer, but the purpose cost of the spent time. My tutor Nina Alexandrovna (huge a thank to her!) for three months has held on me up to a level of 10-th class, even wanted, that I have acted in Slavic institute of foreign languages. Among features of my school there was also that in 10-i and 11-i classes it was possible to choice subjects for study. I have chosen a nonproduction structure (I’ll always pull to engineering and everything, that to it is connected). My basic subjects became: the profound mathematics, computer science, physics and, certainly, English language. Likely at lessons of computer science I have got acquainted with the computer more close. I think in this period and has realized, that I want to go in the programmers. In 11-n a class my "worker" the week has increased with 5-th up to 7-th of days, so I began to visit preparatory rates in DonNTU. My target passed under the slogan «Mathematics and computer science forever". Now I do not regret about the choice. The university has presented me many happy memoirs. The student's time is the best period in life! I have got acquainted with the new people. Many were from a bottom from various cities, and even of the countries. I am very grateful to all teachers, which trained us not only subjects, but also gave many useful advice "how to live in this imperfect world ". So I always loved to consider and programming to realize any algorithms and even tried to make new, as the scientific chief for the project I have chosen the professor of faculty PMI Barashko Anatoly Sergeevich. The subject of the degree project sounds so: "Research of quality of the multichannel signature analyzer". I have a lot of enthusiasmes, which are not connected to my trade. Very much I love to read the detective literature (dream of childhood - to become a great detective). I take a great interest in astronomy and astrology. Last very much helps me to understand the people, new to me, it is easier with them further to communicate. I do not know than I shall be engaged in ten or twenty years, but I hope, that my trade will be connected to programming. |
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