Магистратура Донецкого Национального Университета

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Horoshilov Alexander Vladimirovich

My school years

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I was living and bringing up in a family which have never gave up. That's exactly why I have changed three schools and one Donetsk College but let me explain step by step. I gone to secondary school No13 to the so-called class "zero" when I was just six years old. There I have managed to feel a real schoolboy. It seemed to me at that time that going to school is an "adult job". I can't remember the reasons why but to the first class I gone to the Donetsk secondary school No48 where I succeeded and have met my first competitions in the person of excellent pupil Solovieff Alexei. (sorry for possible mistake in the name). By that time I was well informed that best marks will never run out but I wanted to be always asked by the teacher. The first class was completed and our school have lost two best pupils. I have moved to Donetsk secondary school No145 and I don't know where moved Solovieff to but I believe that he'll make his presence known if reading this lines.

"Reorganization" in the USSR have reached highest highs. I was watching battle tanks moving through Red Square in Moscow by TV. My parents decided to move to unfinished house in the Buddenov's district of Donetsk. Just so I have left my city life and met my country one. And exactly in this way I got to my last school No 145.

          It remains nothing interesting to remember about that time maybe because nothing interesting was happening at that time. My family was living in the huge unfinished house so I often have had to take care of all and everything when my parents were out. Several books, a workshop and free time leaded to building my first self-made telescope. And though I was interested in the astronomy by the evenings my parents made interested my free time in pouring garden and other important tasks.

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   My childhood

   My school years

   Donetsk college

   DNTU - starting terms

   To study, work and study

   DNTU  - The masters degree

   My plans for future


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