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Horoshilov Alexander Vladimirovich

Donetsk College

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I’ve became aware of College of Donetsk from my best friend Roman Andreev and Îksana Vorontsova. It was made the decision that I am to enter to the College of Donetsk. From that time from Monday till Friday I was going to school. On Saturday and Sunday I was going to preparatory courses where I was getting a great amount of my knowledge in math and Ukrainian and where I’ve seen Alex Merzlenko, Alex Makarovsky and other my today’s colleagues for the first time.

         I was difficult enough but I’ve successfully passed entry “rating” exams and entered to the College of Donetsk. Thanks to efforts and initiative of Gladky Sergei Valentinovich I was moved from humanitarian group to mathematical one where the real student’s life with student’s record books, examinations session and everything that now seems so known was waiting for me.

Subjects that we was learning named exactly the same way as schools clones but was filled with absolutely different content. I should mention and thanks hard work of teachers Gladky S.V., Poroshin P.I. Vilkova I.V. and especially Siroigko S.A. who as none else changed my views on life.

Unfortunately I can’t say that our group was strong and united but such a vivid group just could not be united because of charismatic personalities, which everyone have surely been.

I've met Kachmarik Any by chance at the classmate’s party when I was in the ten’s form. She ought to be mentioned even because she has raised up in the sky my goals and demonstrated with herself as example how these goals should be pursued.

I’ve got a good computer at the ending of the ten’s form. I’ve realized rapidly that playing computer games is not so interesting as programming and from that time I began to dedicate a huge amount of time to studying of computer technologies and programming languages.

Much later a question “what had attracted me in programming” have crossed my mind. By my opinion the key role have played my good disposition towards design and solution of complex problems. Practice has showed that it’s necessary to have a good persistence and willingness to gain new knowledge. The community where I was studying played definite role in this process too. It’s enough to say that seven persons have entered the Faculty of computer science with me. I don’t mean that I’ve made a decision under the influence of my friends and classmates but this decision was discussed hardly and was made by everyone of us independently and deliberately.

In this way the decision to enter the faculty of computer science by rating examinations was made.

Then it was a huge amount of math study and trainings, much working, much hopes and great relief to observe my surname in the lists of succeders.


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   My childhood

   My school years

   Donetsk college

   DNTU - starting terms

   To study, work and study

   DNTU  - The masters degree

   My plans for future


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