Equipment selection for secondary treatment and preparation of building wastes
researching of building wastes processing and development of technical and technological decisions, development of recommendations in questions techniques and technologies.
The concrete and reinforced concrete wastes constructions utilization problem is actual in connection with the necessity of industrial, civil and road building, growing of transport moving volumes and decline of territories contaminations by building wastes.
Ecological and economical viability and necessity of the natural resources secondary using by involving part of production and consumption wastes in an economic turn as the second raw material proved by long-term practice in many countries of the world.
As a result of dwelling buildings and building constructions destruction always the certain amount of wastes appears – it is the mixture of friable, lump, pulverulent, etc. materials, which are the commercial interest and the certain danger for the environment. Therefore there is a necessity in such wastes processing and using them as the second raw material for different materials and constructions.
The receipt of concrete macadam and his use is the major stage of concrete and reinforced concrete wastes processing.
However for the receipt of the high-quality second raw material it must dissociate valuable making mixtures from ballast and harmful components, provide more high concentration of useful components and promote efficiency of their processing or use technology, and also quality of products from wastes.
1. Analysed the exploited and inculcated technological lines on the second treatment of hard industrial wastes and wastes of building region in final work.
2. Grounded the methods of analysis develop recommendations through question of equipment rational choice for the technological lines on enrichment of building wastes.
3. Technical descriptions of equipment for the building wastes secondary treatment and enrichment are experimentally grounded.
4. Offered solutions economic grounded, the calculation of got unit cost is expected.
1. Analysed the scales of building wastes education and accumulation and existent foreign and domestic technologies of their processing;
1. Given an equipment for enrichment of building wastes description
2. Described the chart of preparation process, property and description of the processed and got raw material;
3. Conducted researching of building wastes enrichment process mathematical model;
4. The calculation of made unit cost is done from the second filler and high-quality and price comparison is conducted with products from primary raw material.