Kalmietieva Natalie

Faculty: PÌ and À | kafedrs MPÒ and L | Speciality PÒÌ

Theme of master's work: Substantiation of parameters of complex automation and loading-unloading, transport and warehouse jobs and conditions undertaking SIICA

Leader of master's work: prof., doc. of techn. science Budishevskiy V. A.

email: mira@_126.ru



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Ðóñ Óêð Eng Ger



I am Natalie Kalmietieva was born on December 31 1984 in Donetsk. My father is Rashit Kalmietiev was born in 1952. Hi works as engineer. My mother is Ludmilla Kalmietieva was born in 1950. She works as administrator. In 1992 entered to the school 32. In 1998 entered in Donetsk Technical Lyceum. After successful completing my studies in 2002 I entered in Donetsk National Technical University on the faculty mechanic energy and automation, specialty lifting transport mechanism. In 2006 I got a bachelor’s degree. The 1 of September 2006 I entered in magistrates in these specialty, where I am studding now.