For the first time my mother took me in her hands on 31 December 1985, probably in that day I played a part of peculiar(some) New Year's present.
But this "New Year's present" was given to my mother not by Santa Klaus with Snow-Maiden. It was given by an ordinary midwife
from a nothing-notable maternity home. Since that day New Year has become my most favourite celebration (and also a double one).
But most of my friends think that the idea to be born on New Year's eve was not very successful.
The explaination is very simpe: the quantity of presents will be 2 times less. Maybe it's true but I don't complain.
It is pleasant to know that almost all the World celebrates your day!!
But let us begin the next stage of my development…
The preschool childhood…
I was growing up as an obedient and modest child but not without problems.
Because of freguent colds and hatred of a manna-croup I attend kindergarten rarely.
So I spent all my childhood with my Grandma in Makeevka and certainly her education
had an influence on my outlook and forming of my character. I learnd to read early and I was very happy of it.
Besides that I liked drawing very much although it is a normal thing for a child.But today drawing for me is a hobby.
At the age of 5 I began to study English at courses.
And I want to say that it has been a perfect soil for continuation of my study.
Generaly in childhood I attended different courses. I attended a chess-course for a long time, a dance-school and a drawing-course.
First time in the first form… School period
In the first form I passed to another English course. Language learning passed in the form of a game, singing English songs and reading different poems.
One year of studing here was crowned with production of our play on the stage of Donetsk TVcenter.
I studied in secondary school #5 of Donetsk.
In elementary school, study was easy for me and I liked all in the school program.
Not all in the school was easy and there certanly were failures as at any stage of studing.
In general I tried to study excelently although sometimes in elementary school one mark "4" in the line "Physical culture" spoiled all.
Among different school subjects I liked exact sciences (without Chemistry), Russian language and literature, English.
I remember the 10th form was the most difficult. However in difficulty it can not be compared with the 11th form
because in the last year I had to combine school studing and preparing for the matriculation to university. So I decided to enter in Donetsk National Technical University.
What was my motivation for choosing this speciality I can not say exactly.
One of the reasons was check-up of my abilities and supplement of knowledge exactly in this field.
At school I knew only about the scale of computer technology spreading and was only a user.
Entring a university… Student life…
So after preparatory mathematics and informatics courses, that lasted for a half of year, I wrote entrance ratings exams good enough(I was among the first ten students on the list) and entered the faculty of Computer Science, with major in Computer Systems and Networks.
On my first year I studed in the group CS-02b. That year was very rich in impressions, because student life was different from school life. And it was realy interesting. I completed my first year with honours and I took a chance to go into a german group (specialty “System programming”). So I was enrolled in a new group with studying of German. There I studied until the fifth year.
In 2006, I got a BSc Degree in System Programming. I had an average grade of 4.78. That’s why now I’m studing for an MSc free of charge.
With the topic of my Master’s work I had many questions! And now the topic of my master’s work is “Parallel MIMD-solver of equations for network dynamic object with distributed parameters”.
After the first semester of my MSc study since the 1st of February until the 1st of March I had a practice in Stuttgart. I went to Germany with my groupmate and three other post-graduate students of our department. During the practice, I programmed microcontroller TriCore TC1130.
I have a lot of plans for the future!! In the nearest future I want to get a Master’s degree. I want to improve my knowledge of English and German!! And I want to improve myself!!