Magistracy Department of Donetsk National Technical University

Computer science faculty

Department of applied mathematics and informatics

Curriculum Vitae



Primary school

Secondary school

Leaving school and entrance exams



Future plans

Automated systems software specialty


Leaving school and entrance exams

Ukrainian version Russian version

The 10-th form was so exceptional because of fully informative, high-quality and efficient lessons in informatics. This was caused by the activity of our new teacher. To that moment Lydia Sergeevna had become a graduated student on the KITA faculty of DonNTU.

There were several reasons why this subject was unusual for me:

  • school studying was similar to the university studying – there was not only theory, but a practice on programming
  • there were a lot of sums from different subject domains (either numerical systems or analytic geometry)
  • checking on the correctness of the programs was comprehensive
  • my learning curve on informatics was lower then a middle

Bit by bit I’ve began to make a progress in studying of informatics. My first success was small. It has turned into good marks in the teacher’s day-book. Program to program I’ve began to take a pleasure from the mine results. I’ve ever thought that such practice would help me in the nearest future.

At the beginning of the 11-th form Lydia Sergeevna stopped working as a teacher. There was no adequate substitute for her.

School year has begun as usual. I’ve started to go in for boxing. I’ve become the member of the team with an excellent coach. His name was Ganushevitch Alexander Valentinovitch. In addition to that it was pleasant to feel oneself as a part of the sport community. There were some class mates in the same sport group. There was normal competition. It was a reason why I did the best on the trainings. Also it was a mainspring of my sport success.

As a result at the end of the 11-th form I had a good chance at any sport competition. It was pleasant that besides good sport form I’ve had desire for winning. In a word I‘ve been trying to go forward and not to stop.

After the lapse of the half of the school year I’ve rapt maximum of my attention for preparing to the entrance examination to the university. To the end of the year I’ve chosen further university that I want enter to. I made my choice al the end of the 11-th form. It has been done in the next way.

Autumn is the right time for a walks and journeys. Part of them I’ve decided to devote to acquaintance and choosing for the further place to study to. I’ve firmly resolved to enter to the prestigious university.

One of the places being chosen was Donetsk National Technical University. I’ve bought a booklet there with the descriptions of the specialties and examples of the rating examinations. That evening I decided to go for a walk with my company and left those materials to my parents. At the next day in the family circle we were discussing the perspectives of my further study. There were several specialties that I wanted to learn. One of them was “Program systems”.

Concentrated preparation for the rating examinations begun on the winter holidays. My everyday schedule was very monotonous. Only Maths and Informatics were included to it. Also I’ve had very little spare time for the leisure. School lessons were similar to the thematic forum. Pupils of our form were divided onto groups. There was discussion of single subject in each group.

During the preparation for the rating examinations I’ve gained experience working in the team of classmates. Our aim was to resolve sums in an original, compact and right way. The most needed teacher in our school was Rastorguev Nickolay Grigorievitch. Pupils of our class watched their moment to ask any question from the Maths theory. We were considering only involved and actual sums on the lessons.

В эту пору я получил свой первый опыт работы в команде, компании одноклассников. Нашей целью было - найти самое оригинальное, лаконичное и правильное решение рассматриваемых примеров задач. Наиболее востребованным в данный период был наш математик, Николай Григорьевич. При каждом удобном случае его осаждали учащиеся нашего класса. На уроках мы просили его рассматривать только очень "хитрые" и актуальные для рейтингов задания.

As a result of rating examinations I’ve had 51 point in Maths exam and 28 points in Informatics. Total amount of points was bordered with the value of 60. My averaged rating after the examinations was equivalent to the 39 and a half points. I was on the 19-th place in the final results list.

Cheerful news about acceptance of mine to the university I heard at the preparations to the graduation exercises. I haven’t got only 3 with a half points to enter on the budget place. So after leaving of the school and period of rest I’ve entered to the university. Doors to the school life have become closed for me.

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