Entering to the new secondary comprehensive school #61 was passed almost imperceptibly. I’ve become
a pupil of the 5-th form. Our form master was changed, but … our class community was left unchanged.
My life style has been significantly changed. I’ve been starting to attend the most of my spare time to the sport.
I’ve had activities in karate, football, basketball and elements of gymnastics.
Going for sports let my health to become stronger. My progress on Physical training was evident. Also such
sport activity has caused success in sport competitions. Therefore I’ve had self-assertion and self-reliance.
At the 6-th form my school life was as usual as before. The 7-th was more memorable. At that period I’ve mastered
a lesson that an idea is more valuable than its implementation. It has happen in the next way. Once I tried to do the
physical sum on fluid oscillation in communicating vessels. I’ve written the big list of corresponding formulas, but
I’ve had no success. My father has noticed that activity. He showed me an example and gave very simple and
original idea to understand. After it he has explained me primary importance of the idea. Since that time I haven’t
done any work without any valuable idea.
At the end of the 7-th form I had to decide whether to go to the usual class or to the lyceum with technical specialization.
I’ve chosen the lyceum. This choice was equivalent to the steep turn on the road of my life. First of all our old school
community has scattered out to the different classes. Some of them are still my friends The rest of are met very rarely.
The 8-th lyceum form was formed on basis of the “7-A” and the “7-G” stream. Renewal of the school community was
appreciable. But an old school community was kept in the new class. In the company of old classmates we were
merged by not only common interests, but a solid friendship.
Demidenko Irirna Petrovna had become our next form master. She was a teacher of Russian language and Literature.
Studying at that form was unusual. On the first class meeting we were divided onto groups. Each group was accountable
for organization and accomplishment of multi profile actions within the bounds of our class. Firstly I was elected onto the
sporting committee. I’ve been made a special mention in the organization of the Healthy Day Holiday. Later I’ve changed
the commission and began solving the financial tasks.
As I had understood later such organization of the school life was equivalent to the development of responsibility and
initiative skills.
Our new form master turned out to be the first-class and experienced manager of tourist trips. I had a lot of time to visit
a lot of picturesque cities of Ukraine with my class mates and our form master.
Studying at the lyceum class was also very interesting. Our teachers tried to create favorable conditions for awakening
of latent abilities of pupils. Thereby I was interested in Chemistry. Benesko Andrey, Miroshkin Alexandr, Michalets
Vladislav were in one team with me. We have won a lot of municipal olympiads and taken part in regional olympiads.
I had another favorite subject at school. It was Mathematics. Our teacher, Rastorguev Nickolay Grigorievitch, was an
unusual humorist with great subject knowledge. He has been leading the optional class of Mathematics in the school.
Initially I’ve been ignoring those events. And it wasn’t a surprise that I was not so good in Maths as my class mates
Benesko Andrey and Michalets Vlad.
Each of them was my friend. I have been acquainted with Vlad since the childhood. So one day he has brought me
to the optional class of mathematics. Studying was free and easy there. Nickolay Grigorievitch didn’t let us to feel
bored. We have solved a lot of interesting and nontrivial sums. Also we have laughed enough at a teacher’s jokes.
Since that times I’ve became cleverer in Maths. Not only interest but success in studying has shown up. There
was a competitiveness in our relationship with Vlad. But it hasn’t affected our friendship.
Now I have a need to give credit for our form master, Irina Petrovna. All the time she has been trying to spring us into
the action of creative work. “Brain Ring” was a mass and intellectual action game at the school. All pupils of our form
took part in this game with pleasure.
Studying at the school was accompanied by the humor and sparks of fun. There was no day at the school tears when
we had any fun at the lessons. These facts were the most memorable moments of my school life.