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"Reserching of the methods of digital sygnal processing in the training system."
Author: Oleynik A.A.
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The appearance of contemporary formats of audio and video files as well as graphic files images became possible due to the researching in the sphere of digital signal processing. A lot of methods and algorithms of transformation of source signal were derived as a result of the research.
Improvements in the operation of digital signal processing devices and programs are possible by means of improvement of existing algorithms or by developing a new one. Therefore, while preparing the specialists in this sphere it’s necessary for them to understand not only the essence of the transformations, but also the basis of the processes.
The topicality of the subject consists in a special approach to the teaching of students. Future specialists could conduct the researches of methods and algorithms while learning the methods.
The objective of the work is a research in existing methods of digital signals processing for their implementation in a training system. It’s necessary to study the essence of existing algorithms of transformation and to develop a training system, which would allow more efficient teaching of future specialists.
Assumed science novelty
The assumed science novelty consists in the study of methods and algorithms of digital signals processing to develop more effective approaches and tools for the students to learn this methods and algorithms in the course Theory and Algorithms of Sound Processing.
Planned practical value
Practical value of this work consists in the implementation of a training system, which would allow conducting necessary researches and would be used to teach students in the course Theory and Algorithms of Sound Processing.
Review of existing solutions
Analysis of most part of contemporary digital signals processing programs showed that they can be shared on two groups. Programs from the first group oriented on the demonstration of fixed set of the sound signal transformations without the possibility to change any parameters. Programs from the second group are professional. They are too difficult to use the in the studying process. Existing of such programs (trial versions and commercial) shows that the usage of different digital sound processing methods is rather wide.
For example, Adobe Audition allow to research the amplitude characteristics and the frequency range of the signal. So you may edit the sound data but cannot learn the essence of the algorithms of sound data coding.

Form of the signal from Adobe Audition

Spectral view from Adobe Audition
Mathlab could be used as the visual training system. But a student will lost a lot of time to master it if he will use it at first.

Exemple of program in Mathlab

Results of program work execution in Mathlab
Description of the results
The program environment was developed as the result of the work. It allows to load sound files in the wav-format, to view graphical and numerical values of signal samples, and to use pyramidal method of the wavelet –transformation with the usage of Haar wavelet as the maternal wavelet-function.

Training enviroment
It is planned to include more file formats to load, to enlarge the set of implementations of transformation methods, to collect a base of different maternal wavelet functions ant let the user to select one of them.
The problem of approaching to researching of methods and algorithms of sound signal transformation in the studying process was observed in this work.
The achievement of the task became possible only because of the careful analysis of existing problem. The way of the solution of this problem by the detail projection and following implementation of special training system was selected on the base of the analysis.
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