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Autobiography of Master Dmitriy Zanjala
Theme of Master's Work: Logic Circuits Simulation In Training Systems Specialty: Computer systems and nets Group: CS06-m Supervisor: Boris Gusev Average mark: 4.35 Contacts: e-mail dzz_work@mail.ru ICQ 382494493 |
Till now the medal "Born in Leningrad" given on June, 19, 1984 to Dmitry Zanjala is stored in the family archive of my parents. My mum, Svetlana Palnichenko, when she was a student of economic faculty of the Leningrad State University lived in this famous city. My daddy, Gennady Zanjala, arrived there from Donetsk to study. He met my mum at the time of studying in the Leningrad High Military Construction School of a named after general Komarov. My mum got a surname Zanjala being on her third year at the university. I appeared ehen she was on her tourth year. In day of my birth my daddy graduated and received a rank of the lieutenant so I am a coeval of father's career. * * *My daddy was sent to Georgia, Ahalcihe. Mum and I stayed in Leningrad pending opportunities to go after him. The opportunity was given, when I was a year old. I and my mum went to Georgia and the history of our family movings' had began. Our family got used to such movings and they were perceived not as something outstanding, but as something usual and interesting. We moved to Mongolia, Arvaj-Khere in 1986 and to Ulan Bator in 1987. There in 1988 my brother Konstantin was born. I grew a the thoughtful, serious and independent child. In Mongolia I have seen the a computer for the first time, it belonged to our friends. There were huge, boxes as suitcases, which could be connected to a TV. I was interested in the device. Actually, I liked technique from my early years. In 1990, we moved again - back to Russia, but not to Leningrad, to the Chita area, station Bezrechnaja. The "station" means a small settlement which even is difficultly to name "village". There I did not go to a kindergarten, but with pleasure went with mum to her job. I remained there on a check point " to play with solders": I was entertained by the guards who protected the UNR (management of the chief of jobs) where my mum worked as the economist. In 1991 year our family moved to Severomorsk, Murmansk area. The city is located behind polar circle and we had to get used by polar nights, but it was not difficult for me. Long night compensated by an abundance of winter games and entertainments which me and my brother thought out and realized. We sledged from the huge northern hills covered with a thick layer of a snow on "Snow-scooter", built houses of a snow, as eskimoses. It was very interesting to look at military techniques, which in Severomorsk - capital of Northern fleet, was huge amount! Planes, tanks, guns, the ships, underwater boats and again the ships! Everything bewitched by the power, force, patriotism! In the summer the daddy sent us and mum to the grandmother to Donetsk - to be heated, healthy and to collect vitamins. After the daddy bought by instalments the car, he began to carry us from Severomorsk to Donetsk by the car. Trip one way borrowed three days and was very interesting. First, our road ran in the most beautiful places - Karelia, with huge lakes, bogs and taiga, an average strip of Russia, with dense woods and the big old cities, warm and friendly Ukraine. And second, for these three days we observed change of a season from the frosty end of winter (May - Severomorsk) up to the hot beginning of summer (May - Donetsk). In Severomorsk I went to the first class. It was the general educated school №1. From the first class I always went to school myself - nobody spent me. My favourite subject was mathematics, and the history and languages I liked not so much. In the fifth class I've got the first computer. It was device PRAVITZ-8D made in Belarus. With its help I wrote my first programs in Basic. The same year I began attending of the mathematics-logic club "Erudite". It was very interesting for me. In the sixth class I went to art school. In Severomorsk there was a good art school. There we studied such subjects as "art's history", "figure", "painting", "composition", "moulding". * * *In 1996 year father came out to resignation. We went to Donetsk. At first we lived at the grandmother's house, after we bought own house. My father is the skilful and much able man, besides the life in the private house inclined to job by hands. So me and my brother wee studied by our father to do many different things - building and repair works, job with an electricity, designing and manufacturing of case furniture, job in a kitchen garden. The main thing - we have learned to undertake any job with eagerness, confidence, enthusiasm and to finish her completely. In Donetsk I visited the General Educated School #101 during a year and then I entered Donetsk Technical Lyceum. Till now with a heat I recollect our teachers. Especially - the curator - Eugenia Andreeva . With many lyceum friends we keep in touch even now. Some from them also have finished faculty VT, for example, Nikolay Shejka. Apart from visiting Lyceum I helped the father in job (we were engaged in repair of apartments, made furniture to order). * * *In 2001 year, upon termination of lyceum, a question about receipt became actual. I was absolutely confident that I want to be connected with electronics, or as a last resort, with techniques. There were three variants - to continue undertaking of the father - may be, the Mozhajsk Military Academy in Saint Petersburg; civil aircraft; computers! The first variant has disappeared because of obvious weakening a military complex that threatens with instability in the future. The second - because of not conformity in health (for the same reason, I did not serve in army and definitely refused military career). My choice fell on the third variant, which was to me most desirable, it was digital electronics. My old hobby for electronics reminded about itself. Having asked friends about different high schools and specialities, I come to a conclusion that it is more approachable for me a speciality "Computer system and nets" in DonGTU. I have submitted documents on this speciality, but results of my entrance examinations were incompatible with a purse of my family for that moment: I have arrived on the paid form of studying. That year I took away documents and did not become the first-year student. There was an opportunity to arrive on other speciality, but I did not see sense to study anywhere simply for the sake of any diploma. All next year I combined job with preparatory courses. Listening to stories of my friends which have already studied at the speciality that I have chosen, I was more and more convinced of correctness of the choice. At this time I worked in private shop "Colobok", a post was economy manager. The earned money were spent for preparatory courses. * * *In 2002 year on entrance examinations I again pass on full payment. This time I am available by such outcome. I get in group KS02-a. I worked as the private businessman in sphere of writing services (x-copy, chancellery trading) down to the 3-rd rate. I did it in parallel with study to help my family with payment of my university (and consequently, that it is interesting to me). Study fascinated me and in spite of the fact that I could devote less time, than other students, did it was possible to support a decent level of progress in studying due to my commitment. Later, though, I understood that the amount of practice was not sufficient for me there was not enough interestingappied issues in tge program. But in general, I think, that my specialty is first of all a powerfull organization of mentality, it is very useful in the modern world. I join the "modest" but not unreasonable opinion to occurring among the graduates of our faculty that a person graduated from DCE, will understand all technical sciences and then easily master any other speciality. On my fourth year, there was an event in my life which painted new colours and improved my destiny. My classmate, Julia Kuzjaeva , kindly agreed to become my wife. On 29-th of April 2006 we celebrated our wedding . We received our bachelor's degrees already being lawful spouses. So my speciality brought to me not only a weight of the necessary knowledge, but also a meeting with the beloved. * * *I have chosen Boris Gusev as a supervisor of SRW (Student research work) and as a supervisor of my master's work. He is the person, who delivered us one of the most interesting to me disciplines, they are Computer Architecture, Computer Electronics and so forth. The subject of my master's work was outlined by him - I and some other of his wards will develop a training system for the disciplines he delivers. Within the limits of this droad subject I managed to allocate direction interesting for me, it is a modelling of circuits at a level of logic elements. With reference to the training system this direction is a development of the modelling subsystem for demonstration to trained students a principle of work of logic elements. The scientific side of the given direction looks as research and improvement of existing algorithms of modelling. The urgency of the given theme in sphere of computer technologies is doubtless, because systems of automatic designing (CAD) of microcircuits become more and more wide circulated, and in them, alongside with other actions, will actively be applied modelling work of the circuit. It is used for testing, debugging of the developed project, search of malfunctions. As in practice circuits the big and big sizes are developed, so even the small gain in time of work or in consumption of resources by a task of modelling is important and significant. * * *At present I combine study with work in corporation "Comenergo" engaged in municipal services. Among plans for the future are development in the professional sphere, search of an opportunity qualitatively to combine my speciality with realities of a life, to keep up innovations and to accept active participation in their occurrence. Directions of development are to finish and introduce the project, in which I am participate now. My global purpose is an achievement of optimum balance between time given to work, and given to family. Now balance is appreciable declined aside work, however I understand, that in the beginning of a professional way this phenomenon is inevitable also hard work now is a necessary condition for achievement of that balance in the future. |