Andreyenkova (Podolyaka)Elena Aleksandrovna
Department of "Computer
Information Technologies and Automation" (CITA)
Speciality: "Control Informational Systems" (CIS)
The theme of masters work: "Development of automatic computer system of
the optimal load planning of equipment of the manufacturing plant"
Supervisor: associate
prof. Sekirin A.I.
As the experience shows, problems of
organizational-technological management are the most difficultly given into
automation. For the enterprises of machine-building branch the problem of
automation of operative scheduling in flexible industrial systems (FIS) is
especially actual. The reason of this is a variety of the equipment park and
ostentatious planning, which is characteristic for such enterprises. FIS - the
system having ability quickly to be reconstructed on processing of new details
in limits, determined by technical opportunities of the equipment and
processing technology of group of details. Thus, there are significant reserves
for increasing of efficiency due to perfection of system of operative
scheduling in FIS.
The purpose of construction of a subsystem
is increasing of an overall performance of mechanical shop owing to use of the
computerized subsystem of the operative scheduling which is taking into account
the current industrial situation. One of essential reserves of increasing of
efficiency flexible machine systems is the reduction of non-productive time in
FIS by optimization of the working schedule during operative term of planning.
The analysis of structure of non-productive
time for FIS machining has shown, that the most essential components of time
losses are: time spent on operations of readjustments of separate flexible
industrial modules (FIM) at receipt of a details set of other name to
operation, carried out to this FIM (so-called “operation-set”); time spent on
transportation of details sets to FIM; time of idle FIM times because of
expectation of the end of processing operation-set on the previous operation
which are carried out on other FIM.
An urgency of development of the computerized subsystem
of optimum loading the equipment planning
Uniform work and rhythmical output are
determined by many conditions. Methods of the manufacture organization, duly
carrying out of its technical training, close coordination of the output
program with the plan of the new products development and development of again
entered capacities are belonging to them. The great part of the rhythmical work
organization are taken by precisely organized logistics and maintenance
co-operational deliveries, normalization of the charge and output of materials
to the shops and workplaces, the proved definition of reserve and turnaround
One of the basic ways to increase the
coefficient of the equipment loading is drawing up of the industrial schedule
of its work, the control of performance and operative correction of the
But this problem is difficult since
optimization of the machine tools loading is requiring to take into account a
significant amount of conditions and restrictions. The basic restrictions
concern: major overhauls of the equipment, duration of the operation cycles of
details, amount of the vehicles used for transportation operation-set between
some FIMs, FIM and the warehouse.
The purposes and tasks of work
The purpose of this work is increasing of
an overall performance of machine flexible industrial systems in mechanical
engineering due to drawing up of locally optimum schedule of FIS work at the
shop level.
The primary tasks of the schedule
optimization are:
a definition of start sequence of details in the manufacture;
a substantiation of the chosen criteria of optimization;
an estimation of model adequacy.
For reception of the schedule values which
are close to optimum, using of modified genetic algorithm (GA) is supposed.
Object of research is the flexible industrial system of details manufacturing
at small and average serial mechanical engineering.
Scientific novelty and practical value
Creation of the modified genetic algorithm
which is adjusted for the decision of task for getting reception of schedule
values of FIS machine work which is close to optimum, at the shop level is
supposed. îîáðàáîòêè, áëèçêèõ ê îïòèìàëüíûì, íà óðîâíå öåõà.
Also at end of drawing up of schedules with
modified GA the estimation of adequacy of the received values on the basis of
regression analysis is supposed.
FIS work optimization at the shop level due
to drawing up of the optimum schedule of work by the chosen criteria will allow
making increase of overall FIS machining performance that will result in
acceleration of production.
Prospective results
Drawing up of local optimum schedules of
FIM work is supposed at this work by the example of tasks with a bit FIM,
adjustment of the modified genetic algorithm. And also the subsequent decision
of task in case of N FIM and the checking of the received schedule model
adequacy with the regression analysis is supposed.
The analysis of existing systems and subsystems is made in
conclusion of which the urgency of the subsystem of the optimum loading
planning of the machine-building equipment creation is proved.
The review of planning methods of the equipment optimum loading
is carried out. The analysis has shown, that the most suitable is using
modified GA because of that only the GA allow to solve the tasks in which the
initial data can be incomplete that quite corresponds to the requirements which
are showed for the decision of the task.
The purpose of this subsystem is increasing of an overall
performance of machine flexible industrial systems in mechanical engineering
due to drawing up of locally optimum schedule of FIS work at the shop level.
The following tasks have been determined for the purpose achievement: a
definition of start sequence of details in the manufacture; a substantiation of
the chosen criteria of optimization; an estimation of model adequacy.
FIS work optimization at the shop level due to drawing up of the
optimum schedule of work by the chosen criteria will allow making increase of
overall FIS machining performance that will result in acceleration of