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One of the basic branches of heavy industry is ferrous metallurgy. The considerable part of steel melted on metal works spreads in steel molds. Before the further processing the received ingots arrive in heating wells.
Heating wells is the basic type of heating devices established before blooming camps (bloomings and slabbing mill), where usually are rolled ingots weighing not less than 2 – 3 т and having thickness 350 - 400 mm and more.
The problem of branch of heating wells includes reception of heated up to temperature rolling and in regular intervals warm on section of ingots and maintenance of flexible communication between two consecutive stages of a technological line of reception of the metal: steel-smelting and rolling shops.
Heating wells are charge type furnaces of periodic action with distributed in time temperature and thermal modes. The cycle is divided into two stages. During the first period is the heating period the surfaces of an ingot heated up to the set temperature that is fixed by the temperature gauge. During this period the fuel maximum quantity moves in the well. In the second period – the endurance period – the fuel expense decreases all the time, as the primary goal of the period is to rise in temperature of the middle and other slowly heated parts of an ingot while preserving constant level of temperature of the surface as its excess leads to overfire and ingots flashing off.
The problem of process control of heating metal in heating wells consists in a choice and maintenance of the operating mode necessary for reception of metal with the set temperature of the surface as is minimum admissible difference of temperatures on section of an ingot at the maximum productivity of a camp.
The greatest distribution at factories was received by recuperative heating wells of two types: with heating from the centre of well and one top torch. The coke-domain gas with warmth of combustion 8,4 – 10,0 МDg/m3 is used for heating basically gaseous fuel. The air for burning heats up in ceramic recuperators, the gas moves either cold or warmed up in a metal recuperator. In heating wells with the top torch air for burning is injected by compressed air which preliminary heats up in a metal recuperator. The general view and an arrangement of elements of a recuperative heating well with one top torch is presented in drawing 1.
The gas of various types and also liquid fuel are used as fuel for heating wells. At factories with a full metallurgical cycle for heating of wells apply domain or coke-domain gas.
The gas of various types and also liquid fuel are used as fuel for heating wells. At factories with a full metallurgical cycle for heating of wells apply domain or coke-domain gas.
Thermal capacity of the big recuperative well is 6,0 – 7,0 million in kcal hour (as for chemical heat of fuel). Absence of a method of the objective control of temperature of an ingot and character of distribution of temperature on its section leads to the fact that the moment of readiness of metal is defined now by the welder who along with the set technological instruction duration of heating and endurance considers a considerable quantity of other parameters: weight of an ingot, duration of its stay in steel mold and out of it, the weight corfs, a well condition, duration put, a camp kind of work, etc. In shop of heating wells enters the big number of the units serving one camp: about 40-50 cells. The character of processing of swimming trunks is very complicated, it depends on the requirement of a rolling line and various technological restrictions. All it leads to the necessity of processing of great volumes of information for decision-making both by welders, and the dispatcher of shop. The computer facilities which allow ¬ to analyze quickly ¬ the developed situation ¬ and to find the optimum decision are applied with that end in view.
The problem of management of process of heating of metal in heating wells consists in a choice and maintenance of the operating mode necessary for reception of metal with the set temperature of the surface with minimum admissible difference of temperatures on section of an ingot at the maximum productivity of the camp.
1. А.И. Савенков Автоматизация в металлургическом производстве. Киев: Металл, 2001 г.
2. В.И. Гребельный Повышение эффективности работы нагревательных колодцев прокатных цехов. Киев: Техника, 1975 г.
3. М.П. Ревун Автоматическое управление нагревом металла. Киев: Техника, 1973 г.
4. А.М. Беленький Автоматическое управление металлургическими процессами. М.: Металлургия, 1989 г.
5. Л.Г. Аксельруд Нагревательные колодцы. М.: Металлургиздат, 1962 г.
6. М.Д. Климовицкий, В.И. Шишкинский Приборы автоматического контроля в металлургии, 1979 г.
7. М.Д. Климовицкий, А.П. Кипелович Автоматический контроль в черной металлургии, 1967 г.
8. Л.Г. Аксельруд Современные нагревательные колодцы. Сталь №3, 1955 г.
9. Д.В. Будрин Металлургические печи. М.: Металлургиздат, 1963 г.
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