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Ponomarenko Tatyana
Master of DonNTU Ponomarenko Tatyana

Faculty: Power Mechanics & Automation

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Substantiation of parameters of automatic control of temperature mode of recuperatore heating well.

Leader of work: candidate of techical science, ass.professor Gavrilenko Boris

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Curriculum Vitae


Tatyana Alexander Ponomarenko

Date of Birth:

8 January 1986




Sovetskaya str. 207a/7, Makeevka, 86110, Ukraine



Marital status:




Makeevka Comprehensive School




Donetsk National Technical University

Computer skills:

Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Visio, Mathcad, Matlab, Internet, P-Cad, Microcap


Fluent Russian and Ukrainian; English


literature, sport, music, psychology, Internet, Knitting, travelling


     Grade point average is 4,86. I am fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages and also can read and correspond in English. I am an experienced Internet, Ms Office, Excel, Microsoft Visio, MathCad, P-Cad, MicroCap and Compass user. I go in for sports, enjoy reading, listening to music.

Short Biography

     I was born in the town of Makeevka, the Donetsk area. In 1993 I went to school. I like to study very much. With the special pleasure I attended the lessons of Russian and Ukrainian literature and very liked to learn poems by heart. I did not go to this school for a long time, just for two years, then my family moved to a new place.

     My mother Helen Ivanovna works as a machinist of a gas boiler room, and my dad Alexander Ivanovich as a machinist of coke battery on Yasinovskiy cokeplant.

     I got accustomed to a new school quickly. Once or twice I participated in school olympiads on geography, Ukrainian, mathematics and two times in the city olympiads.I finished the ninth class with a excellent marks.

     In 2001 I entered the Makeevskiy lyceum, the economics and law faculty. I finished the lyceum with a excellent marks and in 2003 I decided to enter the Donetsk national technical university. I chose the EMA faculty, and the AUP specialty. I have never regretted the choice I made.


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