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The theme of my master's thesis is « Hydrogen - the future of world energetics».

Limitation of oil and natural gas world reserves, increasing of their price and raising ecological problems define passing of would economy to hydrogen as after burning of which appears only water. Quite obviously, that coal-mining mega regions as Donbass, will build the strategy of the gradual passing to more clean energy resource, exactly on the base of coal. Coal as a primary energy source and chemical reagent is occupied an important place in large-scale conception of hydrogen energy.

At the same time coal as energy resource has negative qualities. Transportation of coal by averages and especially long distance essentially is more expensive than transport of gaseous and liquid energy resource. Technical devices for burning coal and control of this process control are less perfect, than such for burning of gaseous fuels. The direct use of coal as energetic source (it incineration) is attended with a substantial damage to environment. The listed problems find the positive permission at preliminary gasification of coal.

Already the first implementation of coal gasification technology gives substantial improvement of ecological parameters of use of this energy resource. I.e. the construction of gas generators allows not throw out the hard constituent of technological process of gasification (ash) to atmosphere, to process and applied in build-industry. Already one it does this technological approach ecologically perceptibly useful. From this point of view it can be examined as the first step to hydrogen energy, because the combustible basic components of generator gas are oxide of carbon (60—20%) and hydrogen (25%-60%). Thus most interesting for processes gasification in which an intermediate product is a synthesis-gas. Such processes are:

it is Method of «Vinker»- 35-45% Í2, 30-50% ÑÎ,13-25%;

it is Method of «Kogas »- 58% Í2, 31% ÑÎ,7% ÑÎ2;

it is Method of «Sarberg-Otto»- 54% Í2, 19% ÑÎ,18% ÑÎ2;

In the future, when ecological taxes on energy resource will be accepted, it will become economic advantageous for enterprises to use additional technologies of increase of ecological cleanness of products of gasification and in a limit to receive clean power hydrogen from generator gas technically.


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