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Bibik O.B.The method of manufacture hot strips. The collection of student's scientific works of faculty.DonNTU. Release 14, 2008

     The way of manufacture горячекатаных strips on which after hot proskating rinks and coolings on allocating рольганге take up strips on моталках ШСГП in rolls which then cool in a warehouse of production before the further processing is known. Thus the temperature смотки strips of various marks сталей and thickness unequal also is caused by requirements of reception of necessary mechanical properties and microstructures of ready hire.
     Lack of a known way consists that for maintenance of a demanded complex of mechanical properties of ready hire the temperature
смотки strips in rolls often has low values (the order 550-600оС), that decline of productivity of process leads to the raised loadings on equipment ШСГП, a trick out of operation it and as consequence.
     The way of manufacture
горячекатаных strips on which temperature смотки strips in rolls establish depending on mark of steel is known.
     Lack of a known way consists that for reception of demanded properties of ready metal it does not consider the subsequent cooling rolls at which mechanical properties of hire can change.
    The way of manufacture
горячекатаных strips on which cooling of strips on their length is unequal is known and is established depending on a carbon equivalent and temperature смотки strips.
     Lack of a known way consists that because of unequal conditions proskating rinks and
смотки strips on its length productivity of process of reception of finished goods decreases.
Most to relatives on technical essence and
достигаемому to result to declared the known way of manufacture горячекатаных the strips, including hot to a proskating rink, cooling of strips, смотку them in rolls and cooling of rolls is.
     Lack of a known way consists that it regulates temperature
смотки on length of strips only within the limits of demanded by GOST or THAT temperatures смотки which as it was specified above, can be low for maintenance of demanded quality of metal.
прокатанные on ШСГП, are taken up in rolls at the certain temperature смотки. This temperature смотки is defined by conditions of reception of demanded mechanical properties and microstructures of hire in a ready condition. For reception of a high level of mechanical properties of steel (according to purpose of metal) смотки strips after hot proskating rinks appoint temperature low (the order 550-600оС). Such low temperature смотки strips leads to that at their proskating rink in клетях ШСГП loadings on the equipment considerably increase. The effort proskating rinks makes the maximal size proceeding from conditions of the maximal admissible contact pressure, acting are shaky rolling mills. Work ШСГП in such long mode leads to premature wear process валков, their breakage that reduces productivity of process.
смотки strips in rolls they cool down before the further limit. For acceleration of process of cooling of rolls, decrease in the areas of warehouse apply their accelerated cooling (water, a water-air mix, etc.). It can lead to that mechanical properties of steel, прокатанной and winded at the lowered temperatures due to their increase after the accelerated cooling, can leave for the top limit of the requirements corresponding GOST or THOSE that leads to rejection of metal on corresponding purpose and, hence, decline of productivity of process.
     The offered way at its use in sheet-rolling manufacture will allow to provide following technical and economic parameters: to raise service life of the equipment; to increase productivity of process due to exception of idle times by replacement of the equipment.