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The main things
   I am, Karaganova Elena, was born in the autumn late evening on November, 10, 1985 in the settelment Donskoye of Donetsk region. Parents named me a proud name Elena though the brother wanted Katrin. This name demands from me uneasy – with it parents have put in me inclinations of the leader, in fact not for nothing in group of masters of six person three from them Elena.

   My family lives in the settlement of Donskoe, Donetsk region. Father – Karaganov Valeriy, 1939 year of birth, and mother - Karaganova Lubov, 1952 year of birth. They work at Chemistry-Metallurgical Factory of the settlement. Also I have brother – Karaganov Sergey, 1975 year of birth, he is more senior than me for 10 years and has his own family – wife Natalia and two sons – Daniil and Alexander, 1994 and 2000 year of birth. My nephews are beautiful and clever boys.

   My parents were born in Russia – Kazan, Tatarstan, therefore all my relatives live very far and I see them rather seldom though I regret about it.

1985-1993 years.
   My childhood was standard – as at all normal children: amicable family, the senior brother (I was very proud of which), many friends. I went in children garden "Òeremok", participated in all children's morning performances, and for New Year even was the Snow Maiden while everyone were snowflakes. I loved family holidays when the house was filled with tasty smells, our family gathered behind a table, there was warm and cosy in our flat. I also liked, when mum read to me a fairy tale for night.

1993-2003 years.
   1993 was marked for our family by two events – the brother has left school, and I became a first-former. I have got very amicable class, such it was due to our first teacher – to the wise, appeasable and judicious woman.

   From 1 to 5 classes I was the honors pupil, took part in all out-of-school actions, went on circles of knitting, drawing, housewives. Certainly, a favorite season was summer when it was possible to walk indefinitely in the yard, to have a rest, go in camp by the sea.

   From 6 to 11 classes I was engaged in addition in the English language, went to studio of modern dance. English to me was given very easily, I borrowed the first places on regional olympiads, it is necessary to tell thanks for my teacher - Grypas Anatoliy Vasiylevich. I very much liked to dance, put soul in dance, dancing I liked more then lessons of English.

   In 11 class there has come time to choose a place of the further training. The choice was simple – the brother has graduated from our, that time polytechnical institut and as we have a chemistry-metallurgical factory in settlement also I have chosen faculty physical-metallurgical. The brother has suggested me to go on a speciality ”Ecology of metallurgy“, having motivated it is that in the future this trade will be very important. I began to be engaged in addition in mathematics, have successfully written ratings and with small efforts I appeared in this big family under the name Donetsk National Technical University.

2003-2007 years.
   Since 2003 the new life began for me – I have entered a university, have lodged in a hostel. Study to me was given not so difficultly, due to that I had good school base. I liked my speciality also, as well as my group. I have understood, that ecologists are also, as well as doctors, aspire to bring the help to world around, and our industrial area requires it. For today's time questions of ecology in the world became global, therefore my speciality is very important.

   For years of training I have found many friends, both in group, and in a hostel. With many I have made friends very close, I think, that they will stay for all life. I was the head of group, took part in olympiads and conferences. The international conferences in the city of Sumy “Economy for ecology”, taking place in English were especially interesting. The friendly and affable collective, a life in a pine wood, the seminars which were taking place in warm atmosphere, set of new acquaintances, a plenty of the knowledge received on a speciality – all this will be remembered for a long time.

   Also I continued to develop versatilly – participated in group of support of a soccer team "Metallurg", have passed courses of massage.

   The choice of the degree head has taken place in itself. Vladimir Kochura – a Head of the department, the teacher of a high class knowing the English language, developing not only in the narrow sphere, but also he is multilateral. A theme of my master's work: “Recirculation of blast-furnace gas with the purpose of reduction emissions carbon dioxide”. At present the greenhouse effect is a global problem. Kioto protcol is called to struggle with emissions of greenhouse gases. Ukraine has joined this report in 1999, and can receive from reduction emissions CO2 both ecological, and economic benefits.

2008, plans for the future
   I have received the diploma of bachelor with distinction. Has entered in a magistracy where I am now studing.
   In our country it is difficult to speak about scale long-term plans for the future. Certainly, it would be desirable to be ratified as the person, to become a professional in the field of activity. As any woman, I want to have amicable as mine, family, apartment and to be well off. It would be desirable to be simply useful and important both in personal, and in a professional life. And that all this will be, I do not doubt.

© DonNTU 2008 Karaganova E.V.