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Master work



Personal Work

Master`s personal

      Donetsk National Technical University of Ukraine
       Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
      Chair Of Energetical Management
       The leader:G.G.Konstantinov, Senior Lecturer
       The theme of the work: The Investigation of Heat Insulation
       Materials Thermophisical and Properties with the Purposes of
       Development of Recommendations for Thermal Energetical
       Systems Effectiveness Improvement


  1 Rudenko D., Konstantinov G. Reduction in the ejections of the fuel combustion
products due to reduction in the losses with the transport of thermal energy.
The VII international scientific conference of graduate students and students “Protection of
environment and the economical utilization of natural resources”
(in Russian)

   2 Thermal isulation of pipes with modern materials
   3 About a heat transfer
   4 Kinds of thermal isulation materials
   5 Technology and manufacture of isulation of pipelines

   6 Nonflammable thermal isulation from stonewool

   7 Thermal isulation with polyurethane foam
   8 Thermal isulation technology of pipelines with polyurethane foam

   9 Hi-tech thermal isulation material Thermal-CoatÒÌ

   10 “The future of the centralized heating." the press-service of the company "Grundfos"
   11 “The general problematics organization of a rational current consumption in the industrial
equipment. Only to protect or also to optimize?”

   12 “Novelty in thermal isulation materials”

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