Abstract to master’s work
Thermal insulation plays a key role in the overall energy management picture. In fact, the use
of insulation is mandatory for the efficient operation of any hot or cold system. It is interesting
to consider that by using insulation, the entire energy requirements of a system are reduced.
Most insulation systems reduce the unwanted heat transfer, either loss or gain, by at least 90%
as compared to bare surfaces.
Since the insulation system is so vital to energy-efficient operations, the proper selection and
application of that system is very important.
My master’s work describes the various insulation materials commonly used in industrial
applications and explores the criteria used in selecting the proper products. In addition, methods
for determining the proper insulation thickness are developed, taking into account the economic
trade-offs between insulation costs and energy savings.
The basic function of the thermal insulation is to retard the flow of unwanted heat energy either
to or from a specific location. To accomplish this, insulation products are specifically designed
to minimize the three modes of energy transfer. The efficiency of an insulation is measured by an
overall property called thermal conductivity.
Thermal insulation is valuable too in achieving energy conservation. However, to strive for
maximum energy conservation without regard for economics is not acceptable. There are many
ways to manipulate the coast and savings numbers, and this work explains the various
approaches and the pros and cons of each.
My interest to the theme is caused by occurrence in the market innovative material (liquid
ceramic). It is capable to make revolution in sphere of power system according to advertizers.
Now the test facility is made. Experimental data are collected and processed.
1 Chirkin V.S. Heat conductivity of industrial materials. - The 2nd edition ,
– ̀.: The state scientific and technical publishing house, 1962. – 247 p.
2 W.H. McADAMS, Heat Transmission, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954.