
Master Gurov V. Anton Gurov Anton Vladimirovich

Theme of final work:

"Synthesis of a dynamic system management model in the economy"

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I, Gurov Anton Vladimirovich, was born on Wednesday on July, 23rd, 1986 in the Donetsk.


Gurov Vladimir Anatolevich finished Donetsk national university of economy and trade in 1980 on a speciality the engineer-technologist of public catering; worked as the chief of a dining room in military school, director of "Vikob", now - the master in "Al’tcom".
Gurovа Elena Viktorovna finished Donetsk national university of economy and trade in 1980 on a speciality the organization of the mechanized processing economic information (engineer-economist); worked as the economist, the chief of an economical department of road restaurants, chief accountant of "Vikob".


Gurov Alexey Vladimirovich, 1989 of a birth, the student of Donetsk national technical university.

The first years of my life:

I have smiled for the first time on August, 25th. In 2 months floated in the big bath. On November, 30th has independently turned over from a back on a stomach. In half a year well sat, crept, knew some subjects. In 8 months have started to speak some words. In 1,5 year said the first words: in total them was 54. In 1 year and 10 months have learned to go for a drive on a bicycle. In 2 years recited some children's rhymes. In 3 years knew all letters, considered up to ten, was able to place figures on a chessboard. In 5 years has started to be engaged in English language. Liked to play a chess, checkers, a domino.

School days:

In 1993 entered to school number 67 in Donetsk. On a holiday of "Abc-book" was the main character. Besides school learned English, liked to play on a computer, dreamed to become director. In 8 years it has started to be trained in music. From the first class to the eleventh class studied on “excellent”, passed from a class in a class with creditable sheets. In 12 years finished musical training. In 2001 was the prize-winner of competition “Pupil of year”, spent between schools of Kujbyshevskii area. Took part in regional competitions on English language, physics, chemistry, mathematics, also borrowed prize-winning places. In 2002 awarded with the letter for borrowing 3 place in competition on a raising of weights in sports game “Future soldier”. In 2003 I finished school with a gold medal. In the same year by the results of a rating entered in Donetsk National Technical University at the Faculty of Computer Technology and Informatics, specializing in economic cybernetics.


In 11th form I began to attend courses in mathematics and computer science at DonNTU, after passing ratings I entered speciality "Economic Cybernetics". I do not know exactly why I choose this speciality. Apparently intuition, and I am not mistaken. There was everything: and sleepless nights, and new experiences and new friends ... Time flew fast and ... in 2007, I graduated as a bachelor and entered the magistracy. Even at 4 course, I realized that mine leader must be Dmitrievu Olga Anatolevna. Theme of final work:"Synthesis of a dynamic system management model in the economy". This theme I choose because I really like the objects (economic dynamics, financial mathematics, economic cybernetics), which read Olga Anatolevna. In spare time, I am actively involved in football, basketball, billiards. I like to read books.

Plans for the future

In normal condition present is saddened us more than the past, but both could meet us less than the future that is always there in our expectations and hopes.

Giordano Bruno

After graduation I plan to develop mine business, which deals with outdoor advertising.

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© 2008, ДонНТУ, Гуров А.В.