One of the essential features of a modern economy at all levels of management - dynamic - determines the realization of different destination flows (material, human or financial) during the planning period.
At the production deals with the definition of plans based on cost of production at the manufacturing process and maintenance products, in particular, its storage.
The dynamic nature of economic processes requires a comparison of future capital and other costs to current. At the same time requires the dynamics of other specific financial flows and indirect economic ties.
The dynamic process must be balanced and best - this is the specificity of market relations, when the enterprise (company, the company, industry, state) seeking the maximum possible profit or to satisfy market demand for volume, structure or quality of temporary or resource limitations or lead to minimize the costs that accompany this process.
The relevance of research topic
A multidimensional optimization is an integral part of the critical phases of dynamic systems modeling (technical, economic, social, etc.) and in many cases becomes a restriction order, which prevents the overall production targets because of the lack of effective tool identification or optimization.
Class of tasks encountered in the optimization of dynamical systems, may be the most diverse: from challenges to optimize the unconditional optimal control problems. But, nevertheless, the following general practical difficulties in their decision: 1) the existence of nondifferentiability functions (functional), 2) the existence of several extremes, and 3) the dimension of great challenge. The presence of such problems makes appropriate use of hybrid optimization schemes, the potential of different methods. Properly organized, coordinated work of numerical algorithms that are members of the hybrid scheme, provides solutions to the challenges, optimization difficult or impossible by individual methods.
A major test of numerical algorithms are optimal control problem. And usually resort to numerical solution when the analytic solution of the problem can not be obtained by using the maximum principle Pontryagin and application of the principle of optimality Bellman requires labour-cost computing.
The object of the study is economic dynamic managed system , characterized by a large number of interrelated internal processes.
Model Management
The absence of a scientifically based approach to the design and creation of enterprise management systems (EMS) leads to a predominance of natural or niche solutions that do not possess the necessary capacity development. Laws consequence of this becomes the formation of various hybrid forms of management and governance, consisting of elements of different, often mutually exclusive approaches, containing the mass of internal contradictions, redundant or dormant ties. The introduction of such development not only increases the effectiveness of the functioning of enterprises, but also forces them to raise additional resources for maintenance of inadequate management systems. Withdrawal from this situation can be found through strict adherence to basic principles and systems approach postulates of classical theory.
1.Model analytical accounting system
2. Operational model of company
3. Model of the administrative system
4. The task management function
© 2008, ДонНТУ, Гуров А.В.