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Odinokova М. А.

Odinokova Maria Alekseevna

Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: Quality, standardization, certification
Theme of master's degree work: The monitoring of quality management system of higher education on the example of DonNTU
Scientific leader: Momot A. I.



The system of quality management is applied in institutes of higher education in Ukraine, however this practical work is not provided with the proper scientific recommendations. Therefore scientific researches in this sphere are very actual. The analysis of the state of Ukrainian higher education results with a conclusion, that there is an error of the processes related to reformation and modernization of the system of higher education. A pedagogical management develops actively, but the questions concerned the management of institute of higher education in a modern period are little affected by scientists in area of pedagogics and pedagogical management.

Practical experience of many educational establishments shows that providing of the effectively operating system of quality management of institute of higher education, makes certain complication, as any organization of education is, foremost, the pedagogical system in which establishment of processes and documenting of procedures can not provide the quality of its activities in a full degree. Efficiency of work of institute of higher education depends on the decision of many tasks, meaningfulness and level of complication of which are different. Mix of such works and their decisions make the system that provides development and dynamics of institute of higher education.

For modern university entrants the question of quality of the potential education has become actual. And in its turn, for the leaders of institutes of higher education and their structural subdivisions the problem of providing such of theirfunctions and managements appears which would guarantee high quality of formation of the graduating students.

It should be noted that the problems of management of institutes of higher education suppose a presence of management at on all their levels. Characterizing the method of decision the problems of quality of higher education, it should be noted that strategy of development of education is built taking into account conceptions of steady development, continuous education, globalization of knowledge, continuity of process of reformation and improvement. In this context we will consider the approach to quality, based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9000:2000, more in detail; conception of the Total quality management (TQM); questions of monitoring of quality in higher education.

Use of the system of quality management of higher education in accordance with the requirements of standards ISO 9000:2000

In present time in institutes of higher education following three basic models of quality management of specialists’ preparation can be used, based on such methods and approaches [5, 6]:

  1. evaluation approach of quality management of activity of institute of higher education (SWOT-analysis);
  2. conception based on principles of Total quality management (TQM);
  3. approach based on the requirements of international quality standards ISO 9000:2000.

Model based on evaluation approach supposes the systematic self-appraisal for the exposure of strong and weak sides of activity of institute of higher education, and also positive and negative factors of it`s development. On this basis is produced and is offered measures for solution of the exposed problem situations and improvement of activity.

The management model based on principles of TQM also uses the method of estimation procedure, however based on more deep analysis of activity of establishment, as producer of products and services. Conception of TQM supposes a presence of expressly and the clear formulated mission, strategic aims which are mined-out as a result of comprehensive researches of necessities of external environment in the basic products of his activity in the institute of higher education. The Total quality management supposes the process-viewing approach to activity, uses the number of specific, enough difficult, but very effective methods and instruments of quality management.

Management model based on the requirements of international quality standards ISO 9000:2000 series, supposes the showing up of the interested parties, exposure of their requirements to quality of products, creation of the system of continuous perfection of activity. This model is based on fundamental principles of quality management, including the process-viewing approach. In comparison to TQM-model in this model the documented system of management, oriented to quality, is the basic tool of management (as the proper standards, instructions, etc.).

The most essential moment of creation and functioning of the quality management system in any organization including institute of higher education is the orientation on users: exposure of their requirements and estimation of degree of accordance to the set requirements. Actuality of research of users’ satisfaction on educational services consists in the getting of results, which allow not only the diagnosing an educational process but also effectively managing it, that very importantly on the primary stage of forming the quality management system.

For introduction of the quality management system the follow is needed [5]:

  1. to optimize the organizational and staff structure of institute;
  2. to develop the documentation of quality management system;
  3. to manage the introduction of quality management system;
  4. to manage the analysis of quality management system;
  5. to get the confirmation – the certificate.

The problem of creation and mastering of the system of objective knowledge verification of students in education today is especially actual. In this connection it has large significance to its decision because the active use of such systems helps to support the necessary educational level of students, gives possibility to pay more attention to individual work with them [3].

The results of introduction and functioning of quality management system of institute as a whole and in separate structural subdivisions (faculties) can be analyzed according the basic principles of quality management [4]:

Monitoring of quality of higher education

Monitoring serves to control the quality of future specialists preparation. Monitoring is the major instrument of verification and estimation of efficiency of the inculcated maintenance of education, in-use methods, and serves as basis for the grounded ways of removal the lacks of educational process at high school, is basis for the administrative decision-making.

The term «monitoring» came in pedagogics from ecology and sociology. Both the separate subsystems of education and different processes, levels of education, managements, separate aspects of activity, knowledge, come forward the objects of monitoring and etc. For example, monitoring pedagogical and psychological; monitoring of quality of students preparation; monitoring on national, regional, local levels; monitoring of educational-material base; monitoring of educational process; monitoring of quality of education [1, 3].

Under the system of the permanent monitoring (PM) [5] we understand the permanent watching of the state of users’ satisfaction of educational services, comparison of the got results with the requirements and expectations, exposure of tendencies of their changes, with the purpose of making the administrative decisions.

System of PM includes the following components: ideology (aims, tasks and functions of the system, requirements to it); organizational structure; methods and research procedures.

Objects of PM are internal users (university entrants, students, graduating students, teachers and employees of university), external users (employers).

Subjects of PM are the group of estimation of quality of education, submits to pro-rector on educational work.

The methods of basic data capture are the analysis of documents, interview with deans, workers of university administration, managing departments come out as experts, questioning. Method of lead through the questioning is foreseen by the carrying out of questioning of every group of users on the developed questionnaires.

Procedure of PM includes the following stages [5]:

On results the consumer monitoring the plans of correcting and warning measures are made for the improvement of quality of provided educational service.

Monitoring of quality of education is the major condition of increase of efficiency of system of education management, perfection of teaching processes. The permanent monitoring of quality of educational process and his results becomes especially actual in the conditions of reform of higher education; however in the traditional forms he became ineffective. Considerable part of traditional methods in a great deal ignores statistical conformities to the law of selective inspection, use the non-representational selections of student or operate by statistical information without taking into consideration intervals of confidence, that substantially reduces authenticity of conclusions.

The role of modern statistical methods in the process of carrying the monitoring

The role of statistical methods in the quality management is explained in the separate article of international standard ISO 9000:2000, which says [7]: “The use of statistical methods can help in understanding of changeability and, consequently, can help organizations in the decision of problems and increase of effectiveness and efficiency. These methods are also instrumental in the best application of present information for helping in the making the decisions”.

Standard ISO determines that statistical methods are one of twenty requirements for the quality system; these methods are used for creation, control and verification of possibilities of process and descriptions of products. ISO 9001:2000 involves statistical methods in the number of methods of monitoring of measuring, analysis and improvement necessary, among all other, for demonstration the accordance of products. Approach to the decision-making, based on the facts, is one of eight principles of quality management, providing a basis of the quality management system, based on a process and formulated in new edition of ISO 9000. This principle requires the uses of the proper statistical or other methods, to understand both a process and deviation of measuring, and to improve a process and making of products through the control of deviation, as indicated in the article 8 of ISO 9001:2000. A standard sets also, that the decisions based on the facts require effective actions, such, as the proper use of statistical methods. The data analysis can help to set primary cause of existent potential problems and, consequently, to be instrumental in the decision-making on the correcting and warning actions required for the improvement.


Thus, the successful functioning of modern university nowadays is impossible without creation of the effective management system, having it to promote the high-quality indexes of all types of his activity – educational, organizational, methodical, research and pedagogical. The standards of the ISO series 9001:2000 allows the university to show stability of high quality of education and the important feature of ISO 9000 standards for any organization company or institute of higher education is its` universality. But “mechanical” introduction of ISO standards does not guarantee the automatic improvement of activity of institute. Moreover, unlike the industrial enterprises, development and introduction of quality management system in the institute of higher education differ by greater complication and duration. In this connection by the basic task of institute, aspiring to improve the activity, must become in practice the acceptance and application of principles of quality management fixed in basis of ISO 9000 standards. Above all things it is necessary to inculcate those principles which can give a perceptible result and possibility of “soft” introduction of quality management system.

The increase of quality of education is the necessary condition of forming of single outer educational space, transformations of him in a creative process is the increase of scientific level of education, more operative introduction to him of scientific achievements; creation of new, effective pedagogical technologies and methods; computerizing and telecommunication systems; diversification of education; individualization; humanizing and humanitarian way of education [5].

Used sources

  1. Рыжаков М.В. О качестве образования: постановка вопроса / Научно-практические аспекты оценки качества в образовании: (материалы к научно-практической конференции «Качество образования: поиски и подходы»). Сост.: С.С. Кравцов, Г.И. Алексеева, С.М. Бразгалова. Под ред. М.В. Рыжакова. – Якутск: ИРО МО РС (Я), 2001
  2. Макарова Т.Д. О массовых исследованиях качества обучения // Стандарты и мониторинг, 2001.
  3. Спешилова Н. В Мониторинг успеваемости студентов как одно из направлений оценки качества системы управления в ВУЗе / Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского Государственного аграрного университета /
  4. Момот А.И. Менеджмент качества и элементы системы качества: Учебник. – Донецк: Норд-Пресс, 2005. – 320с.
  5. Потребительский мониторинг удовлетворенности качеством образовательных услуг в вузе / Капелюк З. и др. /
  6. Пузанков Д. В., Степанов С. А. Совершенствование деятельности образовательных учреждений с позиций менеджмента качества / «Вопросы образования», 2004. – № 4./
  7. Стандарт ISO 9000:2000 /

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