Olga Andrianova
Faculty: Computers and Information Science
Department: Monitoring Computer Systems
Speciality: Computer Ecological Economic Monitoring
Theme of master's diploma:
"The Latent Greate Information Files Transfer by Stegocoding WAV-files"
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Natalya Gubenko , professor
Brief Resume
Summary:- Technical writing of Software
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Methodology of Software Development
Proffesional experience:
- Experiense in site's makeup
- Experiense in Software Development
Additional skills:
- C/C++, MS Visual C++, WinAPI
- Delphi, Assembler
- Matlab, MathCAD, Statistica
- Lisp, Prolog, Rational Rose
- ArcView GIS, MapInfo, AutoCAD
Personal state:
- languages: english, russian, ukrainian
- marital status: not married
• Bad habits are absent.
• Sociable, purposeful, close, organized, responsible, executive.
• I am quickly trained, analytical mentality.
• I am able to work in collective, I appreciate time and everyone.
• I have Creative thinking and the creative approach to tasks in view.
• Aspiration to be original and the best in the business.
Avarage mark: 4.92
I gave birth in the little family in Augusts, 29, 1987 in town Avdeevka the Donetsk area. My parents: mother - Irina Andrianova (Kolesova), dad - Sergey Andrianov.
My first children garden (by the stories of parents) was "Malysh". I visited it not long, and then parents took me away from him, because I was often ill. And my favorite grandmother Alexandra Kolesova educated me. As I was an enough restless child, I delivered to my grandmother many troubles, but she never grumbled about me parents, and always protected even, knowing all my tricks.
I always remember my childhood with the special heat and even surprise, cause does not understand how me in love got along to such different employments, how climb on trees and fences, tease dogs and cats, embroider with a grandmother, stove with she delicious patties and certainly to sing different folk songs which I remember until now. Exactly due to a grandmother I came to love nature in all its displays, knew about that, how people lived before, and looked around as on a fairy-tale I live in, little princess.
Very often the friends of my parents talked that I will not be able to do well at school, because I do not visit a garden and will be nothing able. But I took no notice, because for me was no time to listen - at this moment I was too led away a next book. Passion to reading, which I am ill until now, my dad instilled me. At first I very resisted and cried, when he tried to teach me to read, but then I understood as it easily interestingly, and to 8th class the workers of our city library did not know, what book to bring me out, cause the books not read by me there less and less.
So, came on September, 1,1994 and
I went to school.
It was Avdeevka’s high school 4. Especial stress it did not cause for me, vice versa, it was very interestingly to draw, consider, do different tasks and meet with new children. A-ones without the special labour I finished on «excellent», as was well-prepared yet to school, and if something did not turn out, my mother always came for help, and then all became simply clearly. I was always surprised her ability easily and quickly decides my and her problems, as though she is an enchantress from a fairy-tale - will flap a stick and all put right: a multiplication table seems not such frightful, a throat hurts less, the temperature falls, and a new, made by she sweater for me is such warm and beautiful.
In the second class I met my best friend with which we divide gladness’s and sorrows until now - Julia Lomanova. School became more interesting since, in fact every morning I hurried there with a desire to tell her something that already had happened with me. So slowly I passed from class to class, conquering the first places in city olympiads on chemistry, Russian and Ukrainian, algebra, geography and biology.
All my school life I dreamed to become a philologist and to teach children Russian and literature. But the fate was pleasing steeply change my life. Because my school was not full, I passed in school 6. Changing of collective was painless, but however I was sad by class-mates. In 10th class an informatics appeared for us. I did not understand at first, in what the sparkle of this science, but later this course pleased me. Time to think about the future walked up meantime.
Mother, my friends and my sixth senses prompted, that it is needed to choose perspective, claimed in the future specialty. But I wanted something that will plug in itself not only programming and informatics. So a choice fallen on the computer ecological economic monitoring.
For me 11th class became as heavy as lead. Preparatory courses of DonNTU, current studies at school, preparation to final examinations and olympiads, are every weekend almost. Unnoticed the first ratings walked up in DonNTU, after them second and third. And in April I knew already, that I am a student! It was such strange, but glad sense! And, successfully handing over final examinations and getting the gilded medal, I appeared on the first courses of university.
The university began from the first pair. Physical education! We all hurried, lost, searched something and understood nothing, but finally we were distributed by the different types of sport! Week-days and holidays of student life began to flow then. I found many friends, although the real friends, certainly, are not much.
For these 5 years I found and lost, quarreled and reconciled, but those, who was able to undergo my character, and whose character able to undergo I, stayed with me. And I am very proud of these people!
Indisputably, I purchased the great number of useful skills and knowledge’s, but essence I learned to study! In fact exactly an university teaches it, unlike school. 5 years of teaching I and did not notice, probably, because the university became my second house, and I do not imagine that soon I will have to say him goodbye.
Plans for future
My first purpose - certainly, to write successfully and protect master's dissertation. In fact it will be the result of all my educational activity. Then I want to find deserving and interesting work, because work is that place, where we conduct majority of the time, and it is desirable, that this was that business which it is indeed desirable to devote!
In the distant future I see myself as the developer of the application programs, automated systems, producer of tasks, although lately child's dreams remind about itself and I catch myself on an idea, that I want to work in the editorial staff.
I do not want to guess at the future, nobody knows in fact, that will be with you tomorrow, our life such unforeseeable thing, but herein is its charm!