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Магистр ДонНТУ Кравченко Полина Павловна

Kravchenko Polina

Computer Science

Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department

Specialty: Economic Cybernetics

Theme of graduate work:

The Comparative Analysis of  Money Management Dynamic Methods

Scientific adviser: Smirnov Alexander

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Summary of research and developments



The problem of efficient and rational money management has appeared in Ukraine at the same time when the stock exchange of the country has been organized. During this period the process of capital investment started. It is aimed to adjust normal process of economical development by means of creation efficient mechanism of transformation of temporarily surplus funds into loanable funds, conversion of saving into capital investments.

 In developed country the majour originator of investment process is an institution of professional traders. Services of mutual funds, trusts and bond houses play the most important role in the creation of funds involvement activity.

This services haven't gained that much spread in the domestic model of stock exchange due to some peculiarities of stock conjuncture and a poor experience of using economic mathematical models of money management.

 Actuality of the graduation work theme

Nowadays there is a great diversity of money management dynamic methods which are used by stockbrokers for their aims. But most of them are not  reliable enough and vary much from each other in speed of reaching some definite goals and complicacy of implementation. In order to gain desirable results and minimize risks it is necessary to analyze efficiency of these methods via some certain rates and factors. The results of comparison will show which one satisfies traders' purposes best.


The goal of the investigation

The goal of the investigation consists of getting reliable datum as for the comparative analysis of dynamic methods of money management. In order to do this a few problems should be solved. The definite series of rates and factors are to be calculate as those of :

- average rate of return;

- standard deviation of an investment portfolio;

- Sharpe ratio;

- profit factor.

The datum for calculation will be obtained by means of model simulation.


Expected practical value of the research

The future results of the work while used in money management can provide stockbrokers with some reliable data of ways to maximize future profits of investment portfolio minimizing its risks or staying within some restrictions (of maximal acceptable loss, amount of capital involved, time restriction etc.) Besides the assumption made may be used for further researches in order to optimize existing dynamic algorithms of money management or offering a new one.


Survey of research and developments


Survey of research and developments in DonNTU


The investigation of the theme of the work are conducted by associate professor Smirnov Alexander, PhD jointly with  Guryanova and Revega. The results of their work are represented in the articles "About Vince's "Optimal f" [1], "New in Dynamic Capital Management" and "Multicriteria Analysis of Dynamic Algorithms of Money Management" [4,5].


The Main propositions of Ralph Vince's "optimal f" theory 


 To increase the efficiency of economic system it is often used to reinvest profit returned into new investment projects. This lets stockbrokers to gain additional profit though deals with increasing risks. The American scientist  Ralph Vince suggested the theory of "optimal f" - the optimal part of capital for increasing investments.

He introduced such notions as:

- holding period returns (HPR)

-  profit or loss of an investor (P&L)

 HPR = 1 + P & L , if profit

HPR = 1 - P & L , if loss




 G and - is geometrical and arithmetical average correspondingly

n - number of transactions

  In case the profit is reinvested the geometrical average is more representative than AHPR. The ratio of initial and ultimate investor's funds is designate as TWR (Terminal Wealth Relative):



The geometrical average is designate as:



Without any sufficient mathematical proves by means of reflection R. Vince introduce the notion of a share of invested funds а which according to his point of view is "optimal f"  for max TWR






- f - percentage of funds to be reinvested

- (-P&L)  - profits and loss with opposite sighns

-  P&Lj min - the biggest loss

- opt f - one of the values of f , when TWR = TWRmax.


Survey of foreign research and developments

There are a great diversity of research on the theme abroad. Ralph Vince in his work "The Mathematics of money Management. Risk Analysis Techniquesfor Traders" criticizes the Kelly's formula and introduce his own criteria "optimal f"-  percentage for  reinvestment. [3]

The theory suggested by Vince is criticized in the article of Leo J. Zamansky, Ph.D., and David C. Stendahl "Secure Fractional Money Management". The introduce their own criteria named "secure f". To formulate the problem solved by secure f, they add a constraint into the calculation of optimal f. The constraint may reflect the acceptable maximum drawdown (and/or other characteristics). This is a more conservative strategy that has the benefit of finding the percent of equity invested in every trade that would have yielded the highest possible return subject to the acceptable maximum drawdown. This formulation of the problem is such that its solution will maximize TWR and guarantee that the drawdown when running the system on past data does not exceed the amount defined by the trader — value D. [6]



For empirical researchers, the conclusion that capitalization and money management may play a role in determining the success or failure of speculative traders cannot be ignored. The underestimation of any strategy drawbacks can  result  that the propensity for account balances to be reduced to zero by undercapitalizing futures trading positions and possibility of this  is quite high and may contribute to the failure of many speculators. Finally, many works on the performance of technical trading models have reported results for a single futures contract for simplicity/comparability or for other reasons. The research presented here allows greater reconciliation between planned results and the trading performance more likely to be encountered by traders with respect to risk attitudes observed in behavioral finance characteristics and the reinvestment of profits in speculative trading.


1. Смирнов А.В., Гурьянова Т.В. Об «оптимальном f» Ральфа Винса. Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета, серия «Информатика, кибернетика и вычислительная техника», вып. 9 (132), Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2008. - С 216-220

2. Швагер Дж. Технический анализ. Полный курс. - М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2001. - 768с.

3. Винс Р. Математика управления капиталом.Методы анализа риска для трейдеров и
портфельных менеджеров: Пер. с англ. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2001. – 400 с.

4. Смирнов А.В., Гурьянова Т.В. Новое в динамическом управлении капиталом. Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета, серия «Информатика, кибернетика и вычислительная техника», 2009 (в печати).

5. Смирнов А.В., Гурьянова Т.В. Многокритериальный анализ эффективности алгоритмов динамического управления капиталом. Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета, серия «Информатика, кибернетика и вычислительная техника», 2009 (в печати).

6. Zamansky, Leo J., and David Stendahl [1997]. Dynamic zones, Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, Volume 15: July.

7. Мертенс А.В. Инвестици: Курс лекций по современной финансовой теории. - К.: Киевское инвестиционное агенство, 1997.- 416 с.

8. Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Special Report on Money Management/ Copyright © 1997 by I.I.T.M., Inc.

9. Брандт З. Анализ данных. Статистические и вычислительные методы для научных
работников и инженеров: Пер. с англ. – М.: Мир, ООО «Изд. АСТ», 2003. – 686 с.

10. Лоу А.М., Кельтон В.Д. Имитационное моделирование. Классика CS. 3-е изд.: Пер.
с англ. – СПб.: Питер; Киев: Изд. группа BHV, 2004. - 847 с.