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Student of DonNTU Kravchenko Polina

Kravchenko Polina

Computer Science

Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department

Specialty: Economic Cybernetics

Theme of graduate work:

The Comparative Analysis of  Money Management Dynamic Methods

Scientific adviser: Smirnov Alexander

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About myself:

Academic average is 4,78.

Honoured bachelor degree.

Fluent Russian, Ukrainian, upper-advanced English, spoken Polish..

Experience in: MathCAD Professional, Mathematics, Adobe Photoshop, 1C: Bookkeeping 7.7 3ds max 7, ÌS Project, Project Expert.



I was born on October 30. I was born on October 30 in Stachanov Lugansk region. As you know every town and city of our former great (and not so great nowadays) homeland has a street named after proletariat leader Lenin. So Stakhanov does as well. This is the very street I’ve spent the longest part of my previous life in. Lenin street is the main street of my town and there are lots of schools (including musical one), a swimming pool and other facilities that are supposed to provide children with an opportunity for their mental and physical development and make their childhood absolutely unbearable. Above all my mother is a teacher and it’s not only her profession but a real calling. My father (who was an economist by the way and is a pensioner now) supports her in her every pedagogical initiative. So three of my brothers and I have been brought up as full-fledged personalities. It included attendance musical school (as for me I played the flute), dancing school, going in for sports and what not.


As I’ve mentioned above my childhood was very eventful . As for the studying at school I found it rather boring and too easy. That is why I spent the most time at school reading fiction books. And it the school-time when I’ve read the biggest part of classical literature ever. Later I began to read fantasy and science fiction and have never returned to classics. But for my laziness I’ve got a silver medal after school.

After graduating from school I entered our local pedagogical college and have got an honored bachelor degree in pedagogic after it. It won’t be very interesting to tell you about all those years of studying so I should just mention my supervising instructor Raisa Naychuk who is the very person thanks to whom I remember at least something in English.

Choosing a specialty. University

After college it turns out that in our town there are more who want to teach than those whom to teach. That is why I decided to continue studying. My father and all of my brothers (as well as my uncle and two of his children did) studied at DonNTU (former DPI). That is why this choice wasn’t optional for me. The specialty of Economic cybernetics was a kind of compromise between my desire to take after my father and my eldest brother’s longing for me to become interested in computer science.

The first year was the most difficult for me because I was absolutely unfit towards life condition in our hostels and wasn’t socialized much. It was rather difficult to study while in such a mess and chaos. So I consider it to have been a great challenge for me to maintain understanding with my neighbours and so do now.

The fourth year of studying showed us the growing competitiveness for there were more of us who wanted to gain master degree than who actually will. Everyone was encouraged to do his best so as to achieve the goal. Though I can only guess of my co-students reasons for that my personal ideas of necessity to become master are rather evident for me. First of I consider that masters degree reflects its owner active social position and healthy range of self-esteem. The second reason is that I used to do if not my best but not the worst at least and for me it was nice opportunity to try my strength. And the last but not the least is that I was eager to study with my co-students as long as it was possible for all of them are my friends and I'll miss all of them after graduation for sure.       

It wasn't hard for me to choose my scientific adviser. For Smirnov Alexander is one of those  rare researchers an lecturers who's interest in their students and patience for them  are as high as in science. The theme of graduate work was  offered to me by the adviser: Comparative analysis of dynamic methods of money management. The theme is very topical for nowadays everyone who has some certain money to invest is able to participate in  trading on exchange. But stock players are often out of certainty about what strategy to choose to maximize incomes and to minimize drawdown both oà single contract and series of trades as well. Most of existent strategies are far from universality and can only be applied in some particular case without regarding urgent restrictions. That is why there is a large field or researching activity in order to  optimize contemporary methods of money management.

Plans for the future

As for my plans.. well it’s difficult to be certain in something during this world-round economic crisis. But as for me I’d like to combine those skills and knowledge I’ve got at the university with my longing for self-expression in the field of style and fashion...  so we’ll see

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