Master DonNTU Kovtun Dmitriy

Speciality: System Programming

Theme of research work:

"Working out and research of methods of testing of the FPGA-device with use technologists Boundary-Scan"

Supervisor: Zinchenko Jury Evgenievich

Русский | Український




The resume


Personal data:

Date of birth - on August, 2nd, 1987;

The marital status - single.



1994 - 2002 - study in general educational to high school;

2002 - 2005 - study in the "Dоnetsky" college;

2005 - 2010 - study in Donetsk national technical university.

Average rating - 3.7


Operational systems:

DOS, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7;


The basic programming languages:

Assembler, C ' 89/C ' 99, JavaSE 6, Pascal, ActionScript 3.0, VHDL, HTML, CSS.


Possession of the software:

Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, MATLAB R2008a, Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, MS Office, Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Active HDL, Xilinx ISE, Quartus II 9.1.


Knowledge of languages:

Russian: the native;
Ukrainian language: the native;
English: free reading and the letter;
German: free reading and the letter.



Badminton, travel, play on a guitar, the composition of verses, cinema, the theatre, new electronic technologies.


The autobiography


Was born in 1987. Mum worked in management of the railway of the engineer. Papa Dance Education. Worked as choreographer.

From 7 years I was in secondary school. After graduating the eighth class i entered to the "Donetsk" college. There I wrote in a mathematical group. Actively participated in a public life of a college. After school he entered to the Donetsk national technical university on Computer facilities and computer science faculty, a speciality - the System programmer. As it is active participated in a public life of university.

In 2009 got the bachelor's degree and has arrived in the Magistracy on the speciality. Degree work is connected with diagnostics FPGA of payments by means of technology Boundary-Scan (it is possible to familiarise in section the ABSTRACT more in detail).

Objectives for the future is to find a prestigious job, learn a few foreign languages and to go to travel around Europe.

The key to success is only in our thoughts.