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The importance of internal labour market regulation, various types of employees’ relocation, which is made by staff planning and is the alternative to the spontaneous relocation, are growing in a market. As the companies grow and develop, managers should pay their constant attention to the promotion of employees and locating them in appropriate positions. Growth of the companies due to expansion, merger and acquisition leads to the creation of new management and changing of responsibilities for employees to be trained to perform new and complex work. Planning of employees’ relocation ensures the rational use of labour potential of workforce, creates conditions for a person self-realization as a career achievement. Market conditions form high qualification requirements for personnel of modern enterprises, knowledge and professional skills of employees. Under these conditions the problem of effective career progression arises. Since recently HR pays serious attention to the progress ways and types of planning, required to reach a certain goal. The key to solve this problem lies in understanding that not just factors and not the person, their external or internal interaction by themselves, but rather the types of interaction of these important factors influence the promotion. Director of each company must know the principles of career building of employees, vacancies filling and formation of personnel reserve. Great attention should be given to consideration of promotion features of employees at all levels: directors, specialists and technical performers, problems of failure to realize the labour potential in full. 2 COMMUNICATION OF WORK WITH SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS, PLANS, THEMES Master's qualification work is executed during 2009-2010 agrees with a scientific direction of the department “Personnel Management and Labour Economics” of Donetsk National Technical University. 3 THE PURPOSE AND PROBLEMS OF THE RESEARCH The purpose of research is further development of theoretical foundations and development of methodic recommendations on effective career building and creative realization of employees. To achieve this goal the following objectives should be solved:
Survey is the enterprise personnel. The subject of research is labour potential, promotion of personnel, career development, reserve personnel. Methods: formal and dialectical logic, qualitative analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, chain substitutions. 4 PROSPECTIVE SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY OF THE RECEIVED RESULTS The theoretical and methodological principles on planning of labour career of employees are analyzed. The methods of planning of labour career of employees of administration in conditions of modern production enterprise are improved. 5 PRACTICAL VALUE OF THE RECEIVED RESULTS The received data can be used in enterprises of all ownership forms. The data can be used to form the initial career of employees and improvement of existing on enterprise systems of employees’ promotion. And also to build the career diagram of operational and non-operational personnel. 6 APPROBATION OF THE WORK RESULTS Main results of scientific work were reported and approved at the conferences.
7 REVIEW OF RESEARCH CRIMEANTATAR 7.1 An essence, types and stages of career Career in a broad sense means the successful promotion in official, scientific or production activity, achievement of fame, higher status, power, wealth. It is the self-expression, change of skills, knowledge, experience, forwarding by chosen activity inside and outside organization. Career is not just promotion at work [1]. Consider the kinds of career. Career can be dynamic associated with changing of jobs, and static, which is realized in one place and in one position through professional development [2]. Career can be professional and corporate. Professional career is formation of an employee as a professional, qualified specialist in his sphere that happens during all his working life [3]. The following characteristics of professional career are separated:
Inwardly organizational career - a path of movement of personnel in the organization. It can be carried out in three areas:
Career planning and control begins from the hiring of an employee to organization and continues until his dismissal, with determination of his promotion in the system of positions or working places. Labour career building is realized by stages. Scientific management determines the following stages of career during working life of a person [5]. Preparatory (under 25) associated with getting of secondary or higher education, profession. During this period a person can change several types of activity searching the one that would satisfy him. If such activity is determined the process of self-affirmation of an employee begins. Adaptation (25-30 years) is a period of mastering of obtained profession, acquisition of experience, skills. At this stage the qualification is formed, the necessity of independence arises. The family that motivates an employee to increase his income is created during this period. Stage of promotion (30-45 years). During this period the process of growth is going on, promotion, increases demand in self-affirmation, achievement of higher status. Stage of preservation (45-60 years). It is characterized by strengthening of obtained results; the highest level of improvement of qualification, knowledge, skills, experience, mastery comes. A person achieves the tops of independence and self-affirmation. The final stage (60-65 years) is finding replacement, transfer of knowledge, skills to young people, preparation to retirement. This is an individual approach. Thus, in Japan it is normal when people under 80 are the directors of the highest agencies of the state. The groups of people whose promotion is of particular importance for the work of modern organizations are professionals. Intellectual employees, namely, professional accountants, scientists, engineers are one of the fastest growing elements that make 33% of employees (“blue collars” - 33%) [6]. Career of employees, account of their potential capabilities are largely determined by the structure of management on enterprise, by social hierarchies, organizational forms of employees’ use, as well as moral and ethical standards. Labour career largely depends on initial steps in labour life of an employee, namely, vocational guidance, assessment of personal qualities and potential capabilities, level of education, motivation. Variety of factors, their combination according to individual employee causes the variety of labour career types. Labour road of individual employee includes both the periods of growth and decline [5]. It is possible that the most important decision a person makes in life is career choice. One can understand the career choice when is based on the fact that individuals seek for career compatible with their own personal orientation. This direction is the base of important theory of career choice created by John Holland [7]. According to Holland, people can be divided into six types that correspond to six categories of activity (Table 7.1). If people aimed to those types of activity that correspond to their personality types, they could make the informed career choice. Table 7.1 - Six personality types and their corresponding activities (by Hollande)
Although according to Holland one of the types always dominates a person, however, adapting to the conditions, uses wide range of strategies within two or more types. Various complicated methods of calculations are used to refer one or the other type of a person. Studying your skills and personal guidance you will better understand the value of professional compatibility you chose. However, it is often not enough to guarantee successful career. Therefore, larger number of enterprises plays significant role identifying employees’ potential. As a result, increasing number of resources on human resources is devoted to the programs on career development [6]. 7.3 Career management of labour Career management comes to such concepts as career planning and development. Career planning is definition of goals of an employee development and the ways of their realization. Career planning provides scientific justification of rational age and normative terms of a position occupation taking into account the wishes and personal qualities of an employee. Career development is the actions implemented by an employee to realize his plan. Career planning is realized beginning from the start of an employee work in organization and ending with his release. Typically, each large organization has standard career steps that lead to the highest level of directors [5]. Planning and development of career management require from organization and employees much effort and yet provide a range of benefits for both an employee and organization. It means to employees:
Same organization will receive:
Office of Career Development is a complicated process and can be resolved through the application of aggregate methods:
Career development planning process depicted in fig. 7.1.
Figure 7.1 – Planning Process Career Development The basis of career planning is career diagram. This is a document for 5-10 years, in which determined the responsibilities of administration, promotion of employee and employee obligations to raise the level of education, qualification, professional skills. Professional skills, knowledge, experience, persistence and some element of luck are necessary to realize the career. Well organized promotion of employees serves as the regulator of approval of enterprise and each individual employee interests. Promotion of employees has to be made with regard of the following principles:
Vocational and qualification promotion is closely connected with the introduction of new techniques, technologies and requirements to the workplaces, the structure of vacancies, the interest of employees to professional career as well as with professional reorientation and professional selection of staff. The main task of the personnel reserve the following: Most organizations reserve into two groups: The candidates in the cadre reserve is based on this information: The procedure of selection to reserve should be regulated, agreed with the nomination and appointment procedures. The selection to reserve of directors carries out by the top management of organization and the department of human resources confidentially and to particular position. Each position to reserve must have not less than two candidates. Official structure of reserve is formed for three levels of management - top, middle and lower. Requirements for applicants are formed according to their future positions and peculiarities of organization [5]. Transfer to reserve of directors is approved by the order or decree of director of organization. After the approval of reserve personnel the individual plans for each reserve, on the basis of which the further work with directors’ reserve is carried out, are made. The main forms of training Reserve personnel to fill positions in Western companies are:
In large organizations for reserve training special schools can be established, for example, school of young specialists, directors’ reserve of lower level management, directors’ reserve of middle level management [8]. After graduation, further training the employees who were included to the personnel reserve, can be recommended, taking into account the results of production activity to the position or probation. The individual plan fulfillment is systematically controlled and the reserve composition annually reviewed and some individuals according to the whole number of reasons can be excluded from the reserve composition. Particular attention should be given to identification and development of young specialists with significant leadership potential. The essence of work with this category of directors’ reserve is to identify and strengthen the development of those employees who have the potential to work in 10-20 years at key positions in organization. Many international leading companies engaged in expedient choice of young specialists with leadership potential. To do this the representatives of a company go to leading universities, academies and business schools which conduct interviews with prospective graduates [9]. Formation of directors’ reserve in organization requires considerable resources, because the cost of training of reservists in schools of postgraduate education is quite high. The problem of efficiency improvement of reserve formation becomes important. 8 PROGRAMS OF SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OF LABOUR CAREER Research of early problems of young managers’ career shows that those who are more likely to suffer from anxiety state, worry and oppression are usually the victims of “shock from reality”. The thing is that they feel the gap between their perceptions about organization and what it actually is. Several factors influence this situation, and, therefore, it is important for young specialists and their directors to avoid them. 1. Primary initiative. The work of young managers often requires from them much less than they can do. Hence comes the feeling of impossibility to fully demonstrate their capabilities. This is because the entrepreneur advertised his enterprise very carefully. 2. Initial satisfaction of work. New managers with higher education often believe that they can do work at a higher level than they do. As a result frustration and dissatisfaction. 3. Initial evaluation of performance. Evaluation of performance is an important directors’ duty. However, many managers are not well prepared for its implementation; they do not know how to evaluate their subordinates [6]. Programs and practice to overcome early problems related to career. Directors, who want to preserve and develop young talents, have several alternative possibilities. 1.Realistic previous information about work. One of the ways to avoid unrealistic expectations about newcomers is to give them objective information in the course of employment. 2. Initiative appointment. Directors of again hired specialists can encourage their appointment by the most difficult as possible sectors. Most directors prefer not to risk and promote their subordinates slowly by giving them tasks that gradually become complicate and only after they demonstrate their capabilities. 3. “Seasoned” appointment as well known practice. If the work to which a young manager is assigned doesn’t require special initiative by itself then one should “season” this appointment by providing the specialist with great autonomy, authority, responsibility, give him ability to interact with customers and clients, to allow himself to introduce his ideas. 4. Demanding director. These directors support in young people the understanding of the fact that they are expected high results on one hand, and on the other, equally important, showing the readiness of director (boss) always to help with advice or action. 5. “Flatness” in the middle of career. This moment appears on phase of “preservation” of career, when promotion is very slow for two reasons. At first, the closer to the top of organizational pyramid, the fewer seats, even if a manager can work on a new level, there are no vacancies. Second, vacancies may be available, but a manager either lost his opportunity or desire to occupy it [6]. In personnel management the issues connected with influence to labour potential of employees during their work to achieve high productivity of work and an employee development as an individual is very important. Personnel management service should select such type of personnel policy that allows the employees to grow professionally, i.e. to aim to make career. Labour career planning allows the employees to see what position they can get if they acquire appropriate positive experience in specific initial conditions. Career plans are not aimed at specific workplaces; they represent just professional activity on enterprise. Career planning should be considered as development of official program, models for personnel promotion that determine their future growth and help every employee to reveal his talents and apply them at his best for the purposes of organization. Career planning is also development of most likely system of relocation of positions for a specific director or specialist during his work. The experience of foreign and domestic enterprises shows that the work of vocational and qualification promotion of productive potential is an integral part of personnel policy and it is solved as the subsystem of development. Selection of director or specialist promotion to the leadership positions should be targeted, not spontaneous due to unexpected vacancy, which appeared in organization.
1. Савченко В.А. Управління розвитком персоналу. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002. |
When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 1, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date. |
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