Master's portal of DonNTU


Добрынь И.В.

Dobryn Igor

Faculty: Computer Sciences and Technologies (FCST)
Department: Automated Control Systems (ACS)
Speciality: Information Control Systems and Technologies (ICS)
Theme of Master's Work: Development of tools for modeling IACS with using goal-oriented approach
Scientific Supervisor: Privalov Maxim

Abstract of the master's work: "Development of tools for modeling IACS with using goal-oriented approach"


The volume automation has been growing more and more since the invention of the first computers. People have developed from problem-oriented automation to widespread automation.One important aspect of controlling related to the systems goals. Often goal are formulated too indefinitely and very often they aren’t accurately. In other words, systems goals are very often interpreted in different ways, but also people’s expectations of the system aren’t same as requirements. According to it there is specific task of goal’s formulating and rectification. Moreover, main goal of the system may be too incorrect, too distant for people, which make this system. Therefore, after goal formulating and rectification it’s necessary to construct goals hierarchy bringing them up to the required level of concreteness and determining relative importance of each goal one level [1].

The general formulation of the problem

There are several major directions of modeling ACS: functional modeling [2], object-oriented modeling with using UML [3], Business Process Modeling [4] and modeling of the organizational structure [5]. In general, these approaches are applicable to modeling, but usually cannot show a complete picture. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, but it’s difficult to track purposes in all of them. Working with the goals partially present in each approach. The most complete it’s reflected in the notation of functional modeling IDEF0, but it has the following disadvantages:

  • Relationships between goals aren’t traced. It’s difficult to construct the hierarchy of goals;
  • One’s level relationships aren’t traced;
  • It’s difficult to trace decision makers.

Object-oriented modeling can be used for goal-oriented modeling limitedly. In describing the models, this approach has the following disadvantages:

  • Goals, their relationships and communications aren’t displayed;
  • System information is present in a lesser extent.

The approach of business processes modeling is applicable as a template for describing the goals of goal-oriented models. Approach of the organizational structure modeling is applicable for the creating a goals hierarchy or structure of enterprise resource

Thus, there is a problem of models interpretation, which is in setting goals and their interactions. Goal-oriented approach allows us to solve this problem and it can improve the interpretability of IACS models

Goal and objectives

The purpose of master's work is SAI models interpretability improving. This can be achieved through the mechanisms of goals controlling in goal-oriented approach in conjunction with the mechanisms of military command and control:

  • Formulating and rectification;
  • Making goals hierarchy;
  • Binding goals to the decision making.

Compatible mechanisms and apply them for the IACS models describing (both formal and graphical) for this. The main task is developing of the tools for modeling of IACS with using of the goal-oriented approach.

Actuality of the theme

This theme is actual because of the increased complexity of the ACS, there is a problem of interpretation of models. Using of the goal-oriented approach for modeling can solve this problem and improve the interpretability of models

Supposed scientific innovation

At the moment, there aren’t any tools for modeling with using such approach

A review of the theme researches and developments

Global. This problem has been engaging by Modular Mining Systems Inc., Arizona State University, and also by Sergey Seroukhov (Product Line Architect, Modular Mining Systems Inc., Tucson, Arizona, USA), Andree Röttig(Product Manager, Machine Guidance Systems, Belo Horizonte, Brazil).

National. This problem was engaged by V.Glushkov in USSR (Institute of Cybernetics of USSR SA).

Local. Within DonNTU – Associate Privalov M.


Analysis of the methodologies has shown that goal-oriented approach has several characteristic features that help us to improve the interpretability of IACS models. Found that current approaches to modeling can track goals and their relationships limitedly. The most closely fit the functional approach and notation of IDEF0. Fundamental principles of the goal-oriented approach proposed interpretation were introduced and discussed, formalization of an IACS description with the using of the such approach were completed. This work has shown that GOIACS modeling requires its own notation, supporting which is missing in modern simulation tools.


1. Глушков В.М – Современные проблемы научного управления – 1969 С. 17-19

2. Марка Д. А. , МакГоуэн К. - Методология структурного анализа и проектирования

3. Рамбо Дж. - UML 2.0. Объектно-ориентированное моделирование и разработка

4. Шеер А.В. - Моделирование бизнес-процессов

5. Тысленко А. Г. - Бизнес-системы. Теория и практика

6. OODA Loop [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: URL:

7. Grant T.J. – Unifying Planning and Control using an OODA-based Architecture – 2005, С. 4-5

8. Привалов М.В., Сероухов С.А. Перспективы применения целеориентированного подхода к созданию АСУ – 2010, С. 1-7

9. OODA Loops. Understanding the Decision Cycle [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: URL:


At the moment of writing this abstract master's work hasn't completed. Final completion: December, 2011. Completed text of work and materials will be able to be got from the author or his leader after the indicated date.

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