ÐÓÑ ÓÊÐ ENG Masters Portal DonNTU Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty
Student of Donetsk National Technical University Ivan Ivanenko

Gridin Dmitriy

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer engineering

Speciality: Computer systems and networks

Subject of master's work:

Fuzzy-filtering for artifact reduction in the regions of interest in video sequences

Scientific adviser: Samoshchenko Alexander


Name: Gridin Dmitriy
Date of birth: 11th July 1989
Place of birth: Donetsk
School: Donetsk, ¹61, 1996-1998
Donetsk, ¹19, 1998-2006
University: DonNTU, Faculty: Computer Science and Technology, Speciality: Computer systems and networks
Bachelor's degree 2006-2010
DonNTU, Faculty: Computer Science and Technology, Speciality: Computer systems and networks
Master's degree 2010-2011
Average mark:4,5
Language skills: Russian, English, Ukrainian
Personal qualities: Responsibility, hard work, diligence, learning ability, the ability to work in a team
Computer skills:
ÎÑ:DOS - user
Windows - user
Linux - user
Programming languages:C/C++, Assembler, Pascal, Delphi, HTML/XHTML, CSS, VHDL, Java
Web technologies:HTML/XHTML, CSS
Software:MS Visual FoxPro
Xilinx ISE
Sony Vegas
Adobe Affter Effects
Future plans: Increasing skills of work with known programming languages and software. Studying new languages and software.
ÐÓÑ ÓÊÐ ENG Masters Portal DonNTU Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty