ÐÓÑ ÓÊÐ ENG Masters Portal DonNTU Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty
Student of Donetsk National Technical University Ivan Ivanenko

Gridin Dmitriy

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer engineering

Speciality: Computer systems and networks

Subject of master's work

Fuzzy-filtering for artifact reduction in the regions of interest in video sequences

Scientific adviser: Samoshchenko Alexander


My name is Gridin Dmitriy. I was born on 11th of July, 1989 in Donetsk. I learned basic skills of reading and writing in my early childhood. I spent most of that time at home reading books, drawing paintings and playing some toys of mine. I spent my childhood with my grandparents, who helped me a lot, so I didn't have to visit day care center and was pretty happy about it.

In 1996 I entered first form of school #61 in Donetsk. As long as I can remember studying at that time was not very hard. At that time I first started to attend English language courses, but my learning lasted less than one year and after it I knew only a handful of basic words. In 1998 I moved to the third form in the school #19. Despite I didn't have any wish to change my school, I must say that it was right decision to make. There we did not have really big friendly collective and I was not trying to be in the spotlight, but there are a lot of nice memories and good frieds that I found in new school.

School #19 is known as "Deutch", because studying of this particular language is the school's "trademark". Pupils often show nice resuults at Deutch language competitions. Also from time to time our pupils and pupils from one of the shools of Bouchum (Donetsk sister city) visited each other. You can learn more detalis about school here, here and here.

Despite the "Deutch" direction, I entered form with an advanced Engilsh learning. It was pretty difficult to me, because all other pupils already learned English for two years. I on the other hand had lots of problems with basic phrases. But I filled that gap in my education really fast. Great teachers - Stasevich Natalia and Bondarenko Irina were really helpful in studying foreign language. Their ability to make learining fun and interesting really helped pupils to understand language faster and better. Many others professional teachers worked really hard to pass their knowledge and experience to pupils. Many of them showed great results at different competitions, not just Deutch language. I, personally was an okay student. I never got all-"A" marks, but I had good results in many subjects and took part in diifferent competitions, especially English language competitions.

As far as school graduation approached I had to think about further education and entrance to high school. It didn't take much time to decide wich university I should attend. DonNTU is well-known techincal university, where you can get good qualified education and useful knowledge. Choise of speciality - Computer systems and networks - was also very quick, because I was a user of PC for a long time and I was really interested in this branch of science. The opportunity of studying in English-speaking group was also really attractive, but after the frist year of education I decided to stay in regular group.

I entered training courses of math, informatics and Ukrainian language in DonNTU in order to prepare for attendance. After three stages of testings I got necessary results in order to enter DonNTU as a student of specialty I was interested in.

Studying in university has two sides, there are interesting subjects and not, but it gives positive results anyways. Education gives you basic knowledge, which you can use in further learning of technologies of your choise. After finishing first four years of studying and recieving the bachelor degree, I entered into another three semesters of studying in order to get the master degree.

My first priority is to finish my master's work succesfully. I choose Alexander Samoschenko as my scientific adviser. Subject of my master's work is: "Fuzzy-filtering for artifact reduction in the regions of interest in video sequences"

After graduating I plan to find job. I also would like to learn some foreign languages, such as Spanish, Portugese or Italian.

ÐÓÑ ÓÊÐ ENG Masters Portal DonNTU Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty