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Master of DonNTU Nosov Sergey

Nosov Sergey

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Department: Computer system's of monitoring

Speciality: Computer Ecological and Economic Monitoring

Theme of master's work:

Finite mathematical model of meteoparameters evolution: development and prediction

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Valeriy N. Belovodskiy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

    About me:


      I was born in september of 1989 in urban-type settlement Starobeshevo, Starobeshevo district, Donetsk region. Chief medical officer of central district hospitals urban village Starobeshevo, as well as mom and dad are responsible for the accuracy of this. My mother, Nosova Lyudmila, was born in 1958, works as an accountant at "Starobeshevskoe" utility in the settlement Starobeshevo. Father, Sergey Nosov, was born in 1958, works as chief inspector of protection and using of land resources in the settlement Starobeshevo.

     I don't remember the first months of my life: only some epizodes, howerer my parents urged me several times in the back. It's my imagination, most likely. I'm sure in next: I've been worked as a guard house for the first 3 years of my life. Then I was sent to kindergarten "The Smile" in the village of Vasilyevka, Starobeshevo district, where I've began my training with the nursery group. I started it together with my two friends: Yuriy and Anatoliy. When I was six, I was transferred to a senior group of the same kindergarten, along with their friends. This transfer is slightly remember: it was the first significant event in my life, something like raise at work. Childhood is remember in my mind: more clear and vivid pictures after this event. It means that childhood was good. My best remember was a spring, when nature was around me, coming to life, everything was bloomed. It's my favourite time of year one: I was waiting for the arrival of spring each year when the heat comes to replace the cold and the sun's rays become brighter and waked me up every morning. It granted a definite charge for my courage for the whole day. When it was raining, I looked at the blossoming trees outside the window and the sadness of the bad weather was go away. Starting from this age, spring is my favorite time of year. I have a distinctive ability to lift the mood around me. If anyone of my friends was sad, I've been telling funny stories, which I composed. It is uplifting to all. I've kept these moments in the recesses of my soul, since they are among the most remarkable events of my childhood, which was held in the village.

School years

     I went to first form of  I-II stages school of Vasilyevka on the first of september in 1996. This event was characterized by the emergence of new friends, acquaintances and interests. At first, nothing stood out. But then teachers and classmates noticed in me extremely curious person. I have always tried to get good marks. I wasn't always succeeded cause I was restless and behavior is sometimes manifested in the form of notes in my diary. One day, I decided to take up my mind and behave decently. I realized that knowledge isn't enough to be succeed. I should raise as a person. So, my curiosity was focused on finding new hobbies and interests, which can be positive for me. I have been attended the club "Do yorself". Teachers had begun to change their mind about me to the better. I was awarded the commendation at the end of each academic year, therefore, my accomplishments in school, as well as individuals.

     I took an active part in school life starting six form: school and district competitions in history, geography, mathematics. I also understood that my health is one of the participants relay. However, I wasn't satisfied of my progress in sport cause they were at the secondary level. Then I decided to take up yourself in sport. Timurovskoe movement was some benefit during which I with my classmates helped old peoples about their houses. I tried to grow up in my life. I have been played in a variety of games with a soccer ball. Games were invented by me and my friends, many of whom had been lived on the same street with me. I with my friends sometimes arranged some games such dominoes and bingo.

     My life took place in such way from the first to nineth form. It changed my life cause I was face to face with the choice: go further in life with my friends or continue in school in the village, which is situated in close vicinity. I chose the last some meditation later. It was my first adult decision. It was hard to become part of a team. I do not know new classmates, who were as united as my first training group. Had to go to them to make concessions, it was a sure way to join the new team. Another group - other foundations and way of thinking. This practice has gone for me. Then that I realized how important it is to communicate with different people, to accumulate experience and cultivate new abilities. Two months after the studying had begun in 10th form, the new classmates, I haven't found a common language with those of classmates with whom initially disagreements. I had learned through time passing, communicated with classmates, attending school events, sometimes visited a local dance club. I gradually began to delve into the psychological aspects of dealing with people. I have contributed to this dialogue with my present on that time classmates and ex-classmates and new acquaintances, which began with the communication when I with my friends had visited computer club in the Komsomolsk city. Since then I started to gain experience PC's user. I have done on the PC at that time these main tasks: computer 3D games, music listening, movees seing. But I played game console sometimes. My interests circle is not restricted by these. I am fond of collecting some sports cars and bikes images and weightlifting. Hobbies gave me a large share of leisure time. I had realized that arriving to Technical University my leisure time will disappeare. I was awarded "the gold medal" then I passed school exams. Medal is a proof of high achievement during studying at the school. The new stage of my life, now as adult human - studying at the Donetsk National Technical University.

The University

     I was thought (before I have become a student) about next: in which of the universities I will receive a high education. A purposeful choice have been done in favor of Donetsk National Technical University. In addition, some of my relatives have received education in Donetsk National Technical University. I passed exams to go the university. The first two exams passed to specialities like Computer systems and networks (CSN) and system programming (SP). Unfortunately, I didn't passed these exams. The third and last exam was exam to speciality Computer Ecological and Economic Monitoring (CEM), in which I have got success. It was closer to me to do something with PC's hardware than programming, because subject "informatics" as computer science wasn't in a high level. So, I attended preparatory courses to study some general moments of programming. I saw myself on the list of applicants recommended by the results of the exams one summer day, for admission to first degree of CEM speciality. My purpose is getting of good and quality education, which had been put me back in school. It has been the principle for me. It was great the great vchanges in my mind during studying at university. Some of them are changes in outlook, the reassessment of values in life, the acquisition of specific skills and abilities in the chosen specialty. I have passed all semester's exams as "excellent", so I proud it. So additional efforts are need  to study the profile subjects. Participation in conferences should be noted among the achievements.

     The greatest benefit has brought the study of profile subjects, including the cycle of mathematical disciplines, programming for the operating system Windows. Programming for Microsoft Windows Mobile and Web-applications (ASP .NET) in C# are my self-study, as well as the modern technology of Windows and Web-programming.

     I should to say about the following peoples: A. Anoprienko , V. Belovodskiy, N. Gubenko, G. Averin and I. Kolomoytseva - for the greatest contribution to the purchase of my skills and abilities.

    I had received a Bachelor of Computer Science in 2010, after state exams passing. I decided to continue getting of high education (master) in CEM specialty, where I study at the present day. In parallel, major field of study modern programming technologies such as ASP. NET, Programming for Windows Mobile (in C# language), the market policy of the leading manufacturers of processors and graphics cards for desktop PCs, to enhance my acquisition of technical knowledge. Technical and conversational English are also my self-studying.

    This theme is my master project theme "Finite mathematical model of meteoparameters evolution: development and prediction". My scientific adviser is Ph.D. Valeriy Belovodskiy. Previous experience with Internet technologies was as user's. I have began studying ASP .NET 3.5/4.0 technology in the middle of 2010 to create high productive Web-based applications, compared with classic ASP and PHP. I'm interesting studying of creation Rich Internet Applications (RIA) using Microsoft Silverlight 4.

Professional and creative plans for the nearest future

     It should be noted these professional plans: the successful defense of the master's project, finish of self-initiated learning technology ASP .NET, the understanding of the technical and conversational English, creation of Web-based applications using ASP .NET and RIA using MS Silverlight 4, further marketing research of the leading manufacturers of processors and video card for desktop PCs, work and career in some of international companies.

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