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Maltsev Aleksandr

Maltsev Aleksandr

Physics and Metallurgy faculty

Processing of metals with pressure department

Speciality: Processing of metals with pressure

Theme of master's work:

Development and research of the deformed bars rolling-slitting process in the mill 390 conditions of JSC MMP and give its realization recommendations

Scientific adviser: Konovalov Yuriy

Abstract | Library | Links


In terms of my specialty I am interested in processes and technologies of multilane rolling-splitting, as well as the possibilities and ways of its improving. My average grade during the period of study at the University is 4.95. I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian languages, also received a certificate confirming the Upper-Intermediate level of knowing English. I have experience in dealing with standard programs such as MS Office, Statistica, Kompas-3D, AutoCAD and Delphi. I am also fond of metal forming graphic simulation processes. I also like sport and tourist trips. Personal qualities: sociable, charismatic, tactful, have a high capacity for work, easy to train, punctual, self-critical, can easily join the work of the staff, create around myself an atmosphere of psychological comfort.
