Assessment of working conditions in manufacturing is done by direct measurements of the working environment and comparing them with standards and by monitoring the functional status, performance and health of workers.
Widespread implementation of flexible manufacturing systems that are controlled by computers, display techniques, forms of human adaptation, accompanied by increasing intensity and monotony of work, muscle diseases, nervous and cardiovascular systems, mental disorders, laser irradiation.
Theoretical problems of improving working conditions in terms of labor economics dealt I.Bestuzhev-Lada, M.Buhalkovym, L. Vladimirov, B.Genkin, A.Kravchenko, V.Kulikov, Y.Kuchilinym, M.Ostapenko, B.Serbynovskym, S.Strumylinoyu et al. In his works, they reveal the concept of working conditions as a factor necessary for the efficient use of labor potential of affecting the structure of wages that are an integral part of the ILO.
Socio-economic effectiveness of safety considered in the works S.Hendlera, D. Hospodarikovoyi, P. Gromov, N. Kalinin, V.Makushina, V.Nasal, B.Petukhov, G.Saenko, A.Soloviev, V.Cherkasova et al. In these studies revealed the relationship of social and economic indicators of safety and their impact on the efficiency of the enterprise.
At the present stage of development of Ukraine observed worsening problems in the field of normal conditions. This is because much of the employees work in hazardous or difficult circumstances. Therefore the problem of improving working conditions for any enterprise is important.
Among the causes of poor working conditions in Ukraine should include:
- lack much of the equipment sanitary and hygienic standards, ergonomic or technical safety requirements;
- moral and physical deterioration of most functioning equipment;
- labor Relations regarding working conditions do not encourage employers to improve working environment.
Master's Work performed during the 2011-2012 biennium. accordance with the scientific directions of the Department "Personnel Management and Labor Economics".
The purpose of research – development of measures to improve conditions and safety by improving the methods of selection of priority direct costs of activities in this area and assess their effectiveness.
Object of research – the protection factor.
The object is to study the effectiveness and selection of priority direct costs of measures to improve working conditions at the facility.
Research objectives:
- analysis of existing methods of socio-economic evaluation of cost efficiency and effectiveness in improving conditions and safety;
- justification as the criterion for assessing conditions and safety, determine priorities and direction for their cost effectiveness improvements of integral index of occupational risk;
- evaluating the effectiveness of the cost of measures to improve conditions and safety;
- study and classification of existing systems of economic incentives to improve safety, conditions of successful operation;
- development of guidelines for selecting priority direction of the cost of measures to improve conditions and safety for the whole enterprise and business unit level.
The implementation of targeted measures to improve conditions and safety will reduce the rate of total injuries, zoom In its importance to the level of developed European countries, reduce the proportion of workers employed in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards.
Programs to stimulate work on health aimed at reducing losses from injury. They are also positive effects: contribute to the industry because savings will always exceed the costs; they can raise morale among employees. [1, p.20-30]
Program incentives can help to improve overall organizational climate, and therefore make a positive contribution to productivity growth, which exceeds the benefits of reducing occupational injuries. Group programs to promote work safety vest workers a sense of community in relation to each other and management. Strengthening work in this direction, "removed unwanted side effects caused by the violation of labor discipline and the use of punishments, improving the quality of relationships between managers and workers, and employees." [2, p.215]
The relationship between income (accumulation due to prevent injuries) and the cost of the program (bonus system of payments and administrative costs) is usually higher than 2:1. This shows that companies can make money on such efforts to prevent accidents and injuries. It is possible, mainly by reducing payments to workers compensation costs of funds and other sources covering the cost of insurance, as well as improvement of production indicators as production output, reduce downtime and reduce cases of replacement of some other business. [3, p.304]
Health care workers, providing favorable conditions, the elimination of occupational diseases and injuries is a major concern of the Government of Ukraine. This is manifested in the complex economic, technical, sanitary and legal measures aimed at accelerating technological progress, automation and mechanization of production processes, machines replacing manual labor, further improvement of working conditions.
However, the level of technology is not yet able to provide establishment in all cases and all employees of appropriate conditions, which exclude the impact of harmful conditions in the human body. Therefore, for these workers law provides various benefits and compensation. Unfortunately, not all companies that have questioned the lives of their employees adhere to these drugs, and some of them controlled by the state, or lacking in legal documents on labor protection. [4, p.70-73]
It should be noted that the main means of compensation for exposure to hazardous working conditions are:
- treatment and preventive nutrition for workers engaged in work with particularly hazardous conditions, to enhance their health and the prevention of occupational diseases according to the list industries, occupations and professions, the work which entitles you to receive free health care in nutrition communication 'communications with particularly hazardous conditions. The costs of free issue of the food workers must be due to production costs, and budgetary organizations – from the allocations from the budget. Workers employed in jobs with hazardous working conditions, provided the issuance of milk. The main purpose of the issuance of milk – increased resistance of the human unfavorable working environment;
- additional leave to the main set and reduced working hours in accordance with a list of productions, workshops, professions and positions in unhealthy conditions, work which entitles you to additional leave and reduced working hours. With reduced working hours people work and feeling the effects of harmful substances not full normal working day (eight hours), and for a specified period of time less. This time of rest it easier to return to normal health. This type of compensation, as additional leave, reduced working hours are meant to people working in conditions dangerous to her health and life, had more time to play its vital forces,
- referral to treatment at the expense of social insurance primarily individuals who are out-patient monitoring;
- issuing permits medical personnel in accordance with the conclusion of a panel and executed the next vacation (especially disabled veterans, veterans of war, repressed, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, labor veterans, donors);
- to provide periodic (once monthly) monitoring of radiation in all academic buildings and premises of the enterprise. Test results bring to the attention of employees;
- provision of retirement age under these conditions; [5, p.17-32]
The formation conditions affect many factors the main ones are the socio-economic, technical, organizational and natural. Socio-economic factors determine the nature of working conditions;
In the case of injuries associated with the production of the fault of the employer, the victim (family) to pay a one-time assistance in accordance with Art. 11 of the Law "On Labour Protection" Ukraine;
- the amount of one average monthly salary for each percentage of disability;
- of 10, 20, 30 average monthly salaries in the event of disability, third, second and first groups, respectively;
- in eight annual earnings of workers on his family, and three annual earnings for each dependent of the deceased and his child, born after the death of the employee;
- reimbursed the cost of treatment and rehabilitation of victims of occupational accidents and occupational diseases in accordance with the prescription and checks to buy drugs; [6]
- the distribution of health-care food, detergents, medicines, personal protective equipment and clothing to make in consultation with the Department of Labor;
- to provide a preliminary (at employment) and periodic (for employment), medical examinations of workers involved in work in hazardous or dangerous conditions, as well as annual mandatory medical examination of persons under the age of 21. Promote priority recovery of chronically ill workers;
- provide estimates in business at least 2% of the costs of extra-budgetary funds for measures of conditions and safety to ensure the rights of employees who continued working in hazardous conditions;
- certification committee to conduct a survey conditions and safety in the workplace in departments of enterprises;
- set bonuses and allowances for work in difficult and hazardous conditions at 12%, and in particularly difficult and particularly hazardous conditions – 24% rate or salary;
- the submission of heads of departments to establish additional leave of up to 4 days for the special nature of work to employees who are constantly working on the computer at least 80% of the time. [7]
Identifying problems in the workplace requires complex measures for reducing and preventing accidents and industrial injuries in the business.
The implementation of targeted measures to improve conditions and safety will reduce the rate of total injuries, Zoom In its importance to the level of developed European countries, reduce the proportion of workers employed in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards. So, first you need to:
- improve management of safety and security organizations;
- to provide on a continuing basis a comprehensive assessment of the job from the standpoint of ergonomics requirements, sanitary regulations and state laws and regulations on labor protection;
- systematically carry out preventive means injury, which include certification of employment, working conditions, the introduction of certification system of work organization on health, education and instruction, professional development;
- create and introduce modern means of individual and collective protection, control devices, harmful and dangerous substances in the work area;
- form in advance of favorable conditions for new and reconstructed enterprises, new equipment, etc.;
- establish rules for financing the planned period 2011-2012 he was the preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses of employees and health-resort treatment of workers employed in jobs with harmful or hazardous production factors;
- allocate an annual budget of Ukraine enough money to finance measures to improve the working conditions of workers.
It should be noted that the use of outdated manufacturing technology and materials, lack of means of protection of workers and appropriate funds in the enterprise to optimize working conditions caused nearly a third of workers in industry, construction, transport, agriculture benefits and compensation for work in harmful and hard conditions. Annual cost of these needs are more than 700 million, but this money is not enough to implement in life all reckoning recommendations.
The current state of Ukraine's labor market is characterized by problems: lack of organization of working conditions, loss of employment skills of qualified personnel due to the introduction of flexible manufacturing systems that are controlled by computers, display techniques, forms of human adaptation to which is not studied; deterioration of quality characteristics of jobs , the lack of implementation of the new jobs, inadequate structures and forms of training and retraining requirements of today's labor market situation is difficult for the organization of working conditions for individual socio-demographic groups (youth, women, disabled ex-servicemen), deficiencies in compliance norms of labor legislation and occupational safety profile of certain groups of employees.
Assessing the legal framework should be noted that it should complement a number of important laws of Ukraine. Use of the data can organize taken to solve the conditions of our country for the regulation of areas, including: a legal framework for occupational safety, creating new jobs. Satisfaction with working conditions of employees depends on improvement of safety, comfortable working environment and more opportunities for learning and growth. Status conditions indicates the level of employment in the economy.
Thus, improving the study of labor market needs immediate settlement of a number of important tasks. This will continuously and systematically monitor the situation of working conditions in the country. Working conditions in the company as the living conditions of workers in the course of their activities, are both part of the production system and the object of the organization, planning and management. Therefore, changing conditions is impossible without interference with the production process. That must be combined on the one hand, working conditions, on the other – technology manufacturing processes.
In writing this essay Master theses have not yet completed. Date of final completion of work: December 1, 2012 Full text of the work and materials on work can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.