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Khamidullina Kateryna

Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)

Computer monitoring systems

Speciality «Computer-aided Monitoring Systems in Ecology and Economy»

Development of information security policies based on an assessment of losses associated with threats of information systems

Scientific adviser: Gubenko Natalia


Personal formation

I was born on February 11, 1991. My mother, Olga Khamidullina, was a student at Donetsk National University at the time. She became an accountant after graduating from university. My father, Dmitry Khamidullin worked as an electrician, but he soon became a businessman.

When I was 2 years old I was sent to kindergarten. There I found a lot of friends who later became my classmates.

At the age of 5, my parents realized that I am a very restless and active child. They decided to start developing my talents. Many of my friends and I took classes of ballroom dancing. However, it did not last long. When I was 6 years old, I started to learn English. By the time it was clear that foreign language is a very important aspect in personal development. In addition, it can play a big part in my future life. It was difficult for me to study the language.The most complicated part was sitting for 45 minutes without any movement.

At the age of seven, I started school. I was going to the Donetsk school ¹ 55 for 11 years. My first teacher was Makhalina Tamara M.. I'd never met such a kind woman. She loved all her pupils with all her heart and tried to do everything to lead our thoughts, desires and aspirations up the right track.

At the same age I started callisthenics.I won the first competition, but, unfortunately, dreams of Olympic gold remained dreams due to the fact that I started it later than other girls. The next stage was acrobatics. Every day I tried to learn different flips and I was ready to work harder in order to know how to perform another acrobatic combination. However, this sport is associated with high loads on the spine. This fact scared my mother a lot. That is why, it was decided that I should not engage in such a dangerous sport, and after a while I realized that athletics and fitness are enough for me.

In high school, I began to disclose my talents. Thanks to Rusanova Galina and Ignatenko Elena I started performing on the stage of a high school. Events, concerts, KVNs never passed without my participation. Our team of KVN won prizes at local and regional competitions. In addition, we visited the children's communities where children with disabilities live. We performed and collected gifts for them.

When I was at the 10th grade I started to learn German. I spent the whole summer studying. But I soon stopped learning German to continue it on the 5th year of university.

Professional formation

Since childhood, I have changed my preferences in choosing a professionseveral times. Before entering school, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. I had a lot of children's sets for playing «hospital», I was doing shots to all my dolls and toys, parents and friends. Moreover, I was mixing creams and shampoos and imagined that I was creating a drug that would certainly help all patients.

In elementary school I wanted to be a teacher or a coach, but in the 5th grade, when I started to learn French with Korotkih Lydia, I was determined that I wanted to be a translator.

I have never thought about entering college. From the childhood I knew that I had to graduate school with honors and enter the university. By 9th grade I was sure that I would enter Donetsk National University as the accounting and finance student.

At the beginning of 11th grade I decided that I should enter the Department of Computer Engineering at the Donetsk National Technical University. While studying at the mathematical school focusing on informatics I created programs and sites, studied Adobe Photoshop and Flash. That experience as well as the desire to explore other software packages and a variety of programming languages finally convinced me to enter the specialty that is called «media systems programming and computer design».

In the first year of education at university I participated in the active life of the faculty, but soon decided to switch to education itself. For 5 years I have learned new software packages, advanced knowledge of programming and met lots of nice people. In addition, I participated in several university and international conferences, competitions in English.

During mystudying at university, I improved my knowledge of English and visited the United States. This trip helped me become more independent and self–sufficient in taking important decisions at crucial moments, and also gave me a chance to learn how to communicate with foreigners.

Also, I was a volunteer of an organization «Mikolaj will not forget about you» and visited a number of families with children with disabilities.Furthermore, I visited Auschwitz and Birkenau as a part of «A world without violence» movement.

I did not hesitate about the choice of the supervisor and the topic of my scientific work. On Gubenko Natalia's lectures about protection of data, I realized that the topic of information security is very interesting and vital in the world today. In addition, it has a huge number of prospects, and will hardly ever lose its relevance.

Goals, plans and vision for the future

In the near future I would like to successfully graduate from the university and get a master's degree. In the future, I would like to get a second degree. In addition, it is important to continue studying languages, because I consider it to be one of the main aspects of human development. At this stage of my life I would like to devote my career to information security and work as an analyst or auditor. One of the main desires and aspirations is to ensure myself a bright future and a carefree life for my children and family.