Mikhail Titarenko
Computer Science and Technology Faculty
Department of Software Engineering
Specialty Software Engineering
Research of the classification methods of information of international trade activity of states within the framework of information retrieval system
Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of SE Skvortsov Anatoliy Yefremovych
Consultant: senior lecturer Kolomoitseva Irina Aleksandrovna

Library of materials on the theme of graduation work

My own publications and reports
Thematic articles (English)
  • 4. Ontology-based multi-label classification of economic articles
  • Authors: Sergeja Vogrinčič and Zoran Bosnić

    Description: In the study, Sergei Vogrinchic and Zoran Bosnik represent an approach to the task of automatic categorization of documents in the field of economics.

    Source: Computer Science and Information Systems [source]

  • 5. Research of Text Categorization on WEKA
  • Authors: Li Dan, and Liu Lihua, Zhang Zhaoxin

    Description: The paper analyzes three popular algorithms of text categorization, namely naive Bayesian classifier, decision tree and support vector machine.

    Source: Third International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications, 2013 [source]

  • 6. The Effectiveness of Homogenous Ensemble Classifiers for Turkish and English Texts
  • Authors: Zeynep Hilal Kilimci, Selim Akyokus, Sevinc Ilhan Omurca

    Description: The article provides a comparative analysis of the use of homogeneous ensembles for the classification of Turkish and English texts.

    Source: International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), 2016 [source]

Thematic articles (Russian)
Translations of my own articles in English
  • 9. Analysis of existing methods of classification of information and its application in the system GrabTheTrade
  • Authors: M.G. Titarenko, I.A. Kolomoytseva, R.R. Gilmanova

    Description: The analysis of existing classification algorithms used in modern information retrieval systems is presented. Classification methods that can be used in the GrabTheTrade information system are defined.

    Source: Материалы V Международной научно-технической конференции «Современные информационные технологии в образовании и научных исследованиях» (СИТОНИ-2017). – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2017.

  • 10. Review and analysis of effectiveness of the binary classification algorithms to classify information of countries’ international trade activity
  • Authors: M.G. Titarenko, I.A. Kolomoytseva, R.R. Gilmanova

    Description: The analysis of the existing classification algorithms is presented, the selection of features and test data is carried out, the classifiers are tested, the effectiveness rates of the binary classification algorithms to classify information of countries’ international trade activity are evaluated and compared.

    Source: Материалы международной научно-практическаой конференции «Программная инженерия: методы и технологии разработки информационновычислительных систем» (ПИИВС-2018) – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2018.