Specialty "Management of organizations"
Improving the management of institutions
Supervisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viktoriya Zhilchenkova
The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the existence of healthcare management is due to recognition of a person, his life and health as the highest primary values, in relation to which other values and benefits of the whole society. The task of managing a budgetary healthcare institution is reduced to the most effective achievement of the goal by improving the quality of therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive interventions and rational use of health resources. In this regard, the state puts before are tasks aimed at ensuring the protection of the health of citizens, which are called upon to implement public health institutions.
The goal is to explore the theoretical and methodological foundations of managing a budgetary healthcare institution, to identify problems of managing a budgetary healthcare institution.
Propose measures to improve the management system of a budgetary healthcare institution.
The organization of the activities of medical institutions is of particular importance at the present stage healthcare. A condition for adequate development is the recognition of the fact that health care institutions are producers of a special commodity in the form of medical services.[3]
The specifics of the management of healthcare institutions is due to the fact that healthcare is a special area activities that are significantly different from other activities. One of the most important management tasks in the area of public health protection is the achievement of targets: improving the quality and accessibility medical care through the effective use of limited financial, material, labor and other health care resources in a rapidly growing competition in the medical services market.
Health care facilities have special characteristics that require modification of general management principles. or changes in emphasis.
Firstly, the result of the activity is a medical service, which involves direct contact with the consumer. and involvement in the delivery process. At the same time, patients are the main elements of the external environment for the institution. health care, which are not a passive object, but respond to the impact and thus directly affect the entire process. Hence the complexity of assessing the quality and the need provided medical services and, accordingly, the results of the activities of medical organizations in general and the labor of their employees. This largely determines the organization of management in the healthcare sector.[4]
Secondly, medical services are social services. On the one hand, in addition to direct effect for the consumer also have a public, social effect, and on the other hand, society recognizes the importance citizens receiving medical services and their role in providing them with medical services.
Based on this, among the most significant features of health care institutions related to the nature of their activities and influencing the process of managing them, experts note:
- the complexity of determining the quality and measuring the results of work;
- high specialization of the main activity, which often has an urgent and urgent character;
- no right to uncertainty and error;
- the need for close coordination of the work of various departments;
- the need for control by the administration of health care institutions over the activities of doctors who directly affect scoping and costs;
- difficulty in coordinating work and distributing powers and responsibilities associated with dual subordination, existing in many medical institutions.
A feature of healthcare institutions is the manifestation of the listed signs at the same time, which enhances the meaning of each.
Specialists distinguish three types of healthcare institutions corresponding to the three sectors of modern societies (public, private and non-profit), each of which has its own specifics in the field management.[5]
State medical and preventive institutions are financed from public funds, providing services to the population either free of charge or for a fee, which usually does not exceed the cost of services. The latter may be sold at market prices, but only if an appropriate collective decision is made.
To implement such tasks, a special management model is required. Its characteristic features are that government agencies :
- are accountable in their actions to both legislative and executive authorities, and to society as a whole, they are under constant scrutiny of the public and the media;
- carry out a uniform approach to clients, the need for which is determined by the concept of equal rights citizens for health care;
- adhere on a regular basis to certain procedures enshrined in relevant laws and other normative acts;
- are guided in personnel policy by the principles of public service (the procedure for promotion ladder, setting wages, determining levels of responsibility and authority).
At present, the task is to develop such approaches to the management of public organizations that will allow this sector in modern conditions to realize its potential and opportunities in achieving the goals that the state sets in the field of health care.[6]
Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. V. K. Gusak (INVH) is located in Donetsk, Leninsky pr-kt, 47. The old name of the hospital is "Regional Central Clinical Hospital" (OCCH). Foundation of the future central polyclinic for medical care of workers of factories, mines and the population of Donetsk 1926 F. V. Bervi, elder of medicine in Donbass.
In 1991, the "Regional Central Clinical Hospital" was reorganized into the Donetsk Regional Medical and Clinical Hospital. association (or DOLKO), while uniting the departments of the Donetsk Medical University. This gave special importance for the development of the vascular, cardiosurgical service of the hospital. The director of the medical association became Vladimir Korneevich Gusak - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. In 1999, according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on the basis of DOLCO, Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery, which became the largest in the system of the Academy of Medical Sciences Ukraine. In 2002, V.K. Grin became the head of the Institute. On November 17, 2014 the laureate was appointed director of INVH State Prize, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emil Yakovlevich Fistal, for a long time successfully heading the burn center.[7]
High professionalism of scientists and doctors, modern medical and diagnostic equipment, many years of experience practical activities, close cooperation with the best domestic and foreign centers have won a strong authority among colleagues and patients as a medical institution.
INVH is a major medical center, which has large diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities due to the highly qualified staff, the availability of high-tech equipment and use of innovative technologies. This is one of the best centers in the DPR, however, from European and Russian centers, INVH, unfortunately, lags far behind in terms of the level of medical care provided.
OTsKB was known throughout the Soviet Union due to ongoing medical and research work. Today INVH is a medical center of the republican scale, it treats the most complex cardiac pathologies, both therapeutic and surgical methods are used. The Center annually performs thousands of heart surgeries, the doctors of the center treat congenital heart defects at the earliest stages. Known and the center of vascular surgery INVKh them. V. K. Gusak. The great importance of the burn center for the region lies not only in the value of the research work carried out here, but also in the medical work, especially after major accidents at enterprises in the city and region.[8]
The institute includes diagnostic and treatment units, as well as a polyclinic with a diagnostic center. The polyclinic serves the population of the Leninsky district of Donetsk and is located immediately at the eastern entrance to the hospital. The medical institution also includes centers for family medicine, research on blood diseases and stem cell research.
The hospital complex has a decentralized building type, i.e. it has many buildings and separate buildings, many of which are connected by overpasses. In general, the Institute has a developed infrastructure, with squares, various buildings and structures, there is an Orthodox church on the territory. INVKh them. Goose is one of the best medical centers in the Republic.
The composition of the departments of the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. VC. Gusak includes:
– Department of Emergency and Reconstructive Cardiac Surgery;
– Department of Emergency and Reconstructive Vascular Surgery;
– department of abdominal surgery and polytrauma;
– Department of Thermal Injuries and Plastic Surgery;
– department of restoration of reproductive function;
– Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care;
– department of hematology;
– Department of Experimental Surgery and Laboratory Diagnostics;
– department of international relations;
– laboratories;
- Academic Council;
– Specialized Academic Council.
Planning in a regulated market for medical services - the need for an optimal combination of roles planned and market regulators, maintaining the social orientation of goals and objectives, ensuring balance of all interests. The system of state assignments for the implementation of volumes of medical care in within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to the population is one of the basic planning tools. When planning the activities of the Institute for Emergency and Rehabilitation surgery them. V.K. Gusak, there are the following problems:
- imperfection of the regulatory framework for the formation of tasks for the provision of medical care;
- insufficient consideration at all levels of planning of the real need of the population for medical care in depending on the structure of morbidity and sex and age composition of the population;
– the need to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens to free medical care, regardless of the volume resource support for the task;
- the need to increase the availability of medical care;
- the problem of compliance of the planned volumes of medical care with the volumes of financial resources for the provision of this help;
- planning the volume of medical care not in accordance with the needs of the population, but based on the available financial opportunities, etc.
To improve the system of planning and economic support of the Institute of Emergency and Rehabilitation surgery them. V. K. Gusak, we proposed the stages of planning the volume of guaranteed free medical assistance to the population and its resource provision:
1. Analysis and assessment of the demographic situation, forecast of its dynamics in the coming planning year. When evaluating The demographic situation is characterized by the size of the population, its age and sex composition, natural movement of the population, etc.
2. Analysis and assessment of the incidence of the population according to the population seeking medical care, hospitalization of the population. In the analysis of morbidity, its level and structure are assessed in different age groups. population groups, etc.
4. Analysis and evaluation of personnel, material and financial resources of the organization, prospects for its development in the future year.
The goal and objectives, development priorities of the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery named after A.I. VC. Gusak. The selection of health care standards used in planning the volume of medical care is carried out, financial standards for the cost of medical care, taking into account its profiles and levels. Calculation of planned indicators the volume of guaranteed free medical care to the population, taking into account the needs of the population in its receipt. Calculation of the cost of financial costs for the implementation of the planned volumes of guaranteed free medical assistance to the population in accordance with the recommended cost standards for health care.[2]
Taking into account the uncertainty of the impact of factors of the external and internal environment during the period of changes and possible deviations from planned targets, it is advisable to propose in the work of the Institute for Emergency and Rehabilitation surgery them. V. K. Gusak, a combination of round-the-clock and day hospitals, which allows:
- rational use of all available resource support of the hospital;
– to introduce the technology of outpatient surgical operations in all sections of surgery (purulent surgery, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology, hand surgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology), unloading intensive care beds for those in need of hospitalization.
The more departments are involved in the implementation of this technology, the greater will be the share of savings funds that can be used to develop an intensive care hospital. So the combination strategies during the implementation of changes allows you to improve the planning system, management process, optimize costs, which ultimately contributes to improving the efficiency of the organization healthcare.
To improve the management of the activities of a medical institution, an investment project is proposed, which will be associated with the creation of a new service in the field of medicine. The purpose of the development and implementation of investment the project will be the creation, on the basis of the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. V. K. Gusak, additional medical services for capillaroscopy and capillary therapy procedures.
Capillary therapy is a well-known method of treatment, prevention, and health maintenance. The procedure of capillary therapy is carried out in one bundle with the capillaroscopy procedure, so the investment project includes two procedures at once. At carrying out capillary therapy, that is, when taking capillary baths, constant monitoring of the condition is also necessary capillaries, which is exactly what capillaroscopy provides. Standardized care based on drug therapy, formed a large group of "desperate" patients for whom capillary therapy is last hope. It is assumed that the first potential consumers of this service will be just such the patients.
This project has the following benefits:
– prospects of the created direction of medical services;
– low cost;
– fast payback period;
- novelty, lack of analogues in the city;
– affordable price of medical services;
- the existence of a material base in hospitals and clinics, requiring modernization.
The objective of the project, first of all, is to improve the financial performance of the enterprise; promotion efficient use of enterprise resources. The next step is to create a network specialized medical institutions that will implement therapy based on capillaroscopy-capillarotherapy.
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