rus  ukr

Shatalova Kate

Group EEN-97

The Subject of dissertation: "Development of the anticrisis program at the enterprise"

Scientific advisor: Stepanova T.A.

The list of the references

Electronic library

Thesis of the degree work

Report about the results of searching for

I was born on February 28 1980 in Donetsk.

In 1987 I entered the comprehensive school N60 in Donetsk, I finished it in 1997.

During my study at school I took part at regional olympiads on physics, geography.

In 1989 I entered musical school N6 in Donetsk, where I play piano.

After school I decided to get higher education, as it helps to get the best job and professional training.

I entered this University, because it is considered the oldest university of Donbass. There were many commercial institutes at the moment of my entering this university, but my relatives knew the highest quality of teaching at DNTU. My relatives adviced me to enter this university.

Having determined with a choice of university, it was necessary to choose a speciality. I have chosen the speciality "economics of enterprise" because it is universal and has wide spectrum of received knowledge.

During my studying at the university I took part at the III international scientific conference "Financial and bank management: experience and problems" in 2001. That year I received the diploma of the bachelor with honour on this speciality.

I have chosen the theme of the dissertation: "Development of the anticrisis program at the enterprise", as I consider it is actual in conditions of a modern economic situation in Ukraine, both for the enterprises, and for country as a whole. I consider that in future my theme of the dissertation and my knowledge will be necessary in development of business activity and financial management.

I intende to work on chosen speciality at one of the youngest enterprises of Donetsk as it will give me a possibility to make my career in future. Most of all, I prefer to work financical sphere: a bank, an exchange etc.