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Proglyadova Nataliya - april 2004
Proglyadova Nataliya Leonidovna
Group PO-99à
Theme of master thesis "Automatic solutions for the tasks of descriptive geometry"
Supervisor Senior teacher
Karabchevsky Vitaliy Vladislavovich

About myself


       I opened my eyes and cried at first on September 22, 1982. My much-loved parents - father Proglyadov Leonid Dmitrievich and mother Proglyadova Iren Leonidivna - waited for my significant birthday impatiently. It was at Ekibastuz maternity home (Êàzàkhstan, Pavlodarsk region). It happened so, that I trampled down that land not for long, because our family returned to Ukraine, to the city Donetsk, where lived our relatives and from where my parents have had to leave concerning the work assignment.
       In my preschool years I was brought up at the kindergarten "Strekozka". My main teachers in my parents absence were my grandmother Shiryaeva Praskoviya Andreyevna and grandfather Shiryaev Leonid Mihailovich (I'm very grateful for that), because my parents had to leave very often. That time I already felt myself independent and a neighbour girl and I took away each other from the kindergarten by turns (luckily the kindergarten was not far from the home and my grandmother submitted it).
       The second child in our family, my younger brother Michael, was born on March 9, 1991. As an elder sister I have brought him up realizing the responsibility.

       School years

       I studied at school No 7 first two grades and then concerning the changing of residence went to school No 119. I shed a few tears when I went to school for my first lesson and sobbed with happiness on my graduation day swinging the "gold" medal on the ribbon. I must confess I liked studying particularly in the emulous manner. I tried to be one of the best if couldn't be the best.
       My loved teacher at the lower school was Stella Ephimovna (the 3-d grade at the school No 119, I don't remember my first teacher). Everyone is better and more talented at what he does with the greatest pleasure.
       I liked drawing and singing lessons. Being a child I often drew simply for pleasure. I think my love to drawing was inherited from my father kin (my grandfather is an artist and my father painted wonderfully when he was young ). As for singing it is like a relaxing remedy along with sport trainings.
       By the way, about school sport. Physical trainer Alla Ivanovna always countenanced us at hard times. I remember long-distance races when each circle was accompanied by her words that weighted me. it did not matter if you finished first or last because of celebration victory over yourself. That is how was cultivated the will to winning.
       Languages came easily to me. From the first class I studied English. I very liked Russian lessons - under the direction of outstanding philologist and psychologist Harlanovskaya Veronika Leonidovna who taught us getting deeper in a subject and to train the memory by learning games.
       My favourite subject was mathematics. And if at the lower and middle school I spent my free time on dancing, swimming, knitting, aerobics so at the upper school I devoted more and more my free time to mathematics. The more so as I had the best teacher, talented mathematician and physicist Kondratenko Maxim Vasilyevich, who instilled love to mathematics in me. In time I agreed with him that mathematics helps to put the thoughts in order.
       The idea that studying at school prepares to the next important stage of life run all through my school life. First of all my parents wanted me to keep on studying at the institute of higher education setting me to it from the first grades. It led to that I wanted it myself hotly and graduated the school with a "gold" medal.

       University: impression and progress

       The choice of future profession was made unexpectedly. Being a guest of my friend I saw the computer and wanted to know more about that wonder of engineering (at that time I knew nothing yet about it). From the other side I fell under the influence of my cousin Dryomov Nikolay who was keen on programming that time and entered the Faculty of Computer Information Technology and Automatics of the Donetsk State Technical University. My parents helped me about it. They gave me a present - a computer. I began to go to a computer circle being a pupil yet. So after completing the studying at school in 1999 I entered the DonNTU (DonSTU), The Faculty of Computer Engineering and Information Science, Software speciality.
       My first impressions were that the studying at the University is a process demanding much energies. The teachers promised to impart more knowledge and examine more strict from the course to course repeating frequently that there was no place for bad students. It was a motivation in a way.
       In fact I studied programming from the beginning. Next time it had stood in good stead all states as a self-dependence, a purposefulness, a persistency which were grown up in me from my childhood. As well my company stimulated my professional and personal growth. I was taken to a very good group "PO-99a" with friendly, ambitious and being keen on their deal students. The highly qualified teachers of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics became like relatives during the studying years and made us the specialists.
       The pleasant memories remained about physical training lessons. Being engaged in aerobics industriously our united team (girls of our faculty) took first places at the events.
       On completion of the obligatory English course I went on studying English by the methodics on the base of the textbook "Headway " at the program Intermediate. Then I passed an examination successfully and took the certification of DonNTU and the International cooperation Institute.
       At the end of the 4-th semester I decided to master economic knowledge. So at the end of the 8-th semester I became a bachelor degree in computer science with honours. At the end of the 9-th semester I prepared a bachelor diploma of Finance speciality under the tactful direction of the assistant professor of economic science Saigina Tatyana Borisovna (the chair of Finances and Banking Business) and graduated with honours (Center for the Development of Professional Skills and Personnel's Retraining).

       University: magistracy (2004)

       Having listened to the opinion of my parents, friends and acquaintances I have decided to go on studying. So I entered the magistracy. Thus I got to ranks of "students elite".
       The supervisor of my master thesis is a senior teacher Karabchevsky Vitaliy Vladislavovich. He proposed me the theme of my master thesis "Automatic solutions for the tasks of descriptive geometry". This theme expects working out the algorithms for automatic solutions for the tasks of descriptive geometry and their realization in the context of courseware for AutoCAD environment. The elements of solutions for single tasks can be interesting for designers who works with AutoCAD.
       Simultaneously to studying at the magistracy I intend to keep on training on the second speciality - Finances. In the not distant future I see myself as a bank officer. In future I plan to carry on business too.
       My recent hobby is a rock-climbing (3 times per week I go to the gymnasium of DonNTU for rock-climbing trainer). This kind of sport not only increases muscles strength but fasters courage, purposefulness, will-power, trust and the sense of responsibility (when you are stood by someone and vice versa when you are standing by other who is climbing up). My first climbing experience was gained thanks to my friends during the camping trip to Zuevka. Such unforgettable emotional experience is the first step to the comprehension of extreme sports.
       I'm interested in questions of oriental philosophy, success psychology, perfection of consciousness and reality of the four-dimensional world.
       In my opinion the Truth discovered by the ancients and being perceived by modern scientists and philosophers is versatile and many-sided but as a matter of fact reflects the same life-asserting law. The speciality of the Truth is that everyone must fell it and perceive it within himself. The scepticism of many people concerning the existence of invisible, inaudible, incognizable and not evident (for example, by formalistic mathematics method) doesn't release us from the Life Law effect. For example, the question of existence of the four-dimensional world or parallel world, which refers to the incognizable reality (for the most people at least, let won't contend about everybody). However the facts of disappearance of ships, planes, persons and group of people suddenly were in history and remain as mysteries of parallel worlds that cross to our world on certain conditions.
       So the Life Law acts and "ignorance of the law doesn't release from responsibility". Not well-informed can't judge. But a man who is cognizant of the Truth (or approached to it) can't uncover it clearly to others (because of different stage of development and perception) or won't do it at all. On the other hand the Life Law gives to a man the right of choice to trust in something and develop such way he accepts to himself. From this as it seems to me the very important rule: "don't blame and won't be blamed".
       And here is the statement of success psychology: "Can be achieved that is on trust". Today there are many books for sale that devoted to the methods of changing the character, improving consciousness, managing by people and all of it for the aim to achieve a success, wealth, friendship, love. Not a secret that a man can gain a state when his thought materializes almost instantly when the circumstances arise themselves for its realization. The idea is that the man behaviour follows the contents of his subconsciousness by 90 percents (a man does it without a thought, it defines the character and emotions). That contents can be changed for the self-perfection but in time (not in a moment) and on conditions of permanency and orientation of changing. For all that it's important to think and express thoughts positively. If a man is guided in his life by love and good intentions to everyone and everything, doesn't damage to others (people and animals) his thought and even more so his word gains a force of the above-mentioned Life Law. You can ask why not many people gain that they desire? There is a simple answer: it is not enough to know what you want to achieve and how to behave that time - it's needed to do it and to gain it.
       So I wish Everybody who has found time to read this page to be optimist and perfect yourself constantly and remember that there is no limits of perfection.

Masters of DonNTU DonNTU