
Kostyanok Tat'yana Nikolaevna

Faculty: Faculty of computer machine and informatic
Department: Electronic computer machine
Speciality: Computer system and network
Profession: Basic Computer Engeneering
Group: VT-01m
Theme of master's work: "The development of methods synthesis of microprogram automatic devices Mealy with coding objects"
Leader of work: Barkalov A.A.
Average ball: 4,57




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In 2005 I'v received the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Computer systems and networks". At present I am a student of the magistracy of FCMI of Donetsk national technical university


programming on Pascal, C/C ++, PHP, knowing Russian and Ukranian languages, good knowledge of English language

Personal data:

citizen of Ukraine, unmarried


I was born on April, 6th, 1984 in the city of Donetsk. My parents are engineers, and my sister graduated faculty of "Computer Science" in 2000.

When I was two years old I began going to a kindergarden. It was my first experiense of living outside of family. As far as I am concerned I do not remember this time clearly.

As well as the majority of children of my class I went to school when I was seven years old. I was a restless and loud child and my pupil's mark book had a sufficient quantity of remarks. In a year I went to a musical school (class of piano). While the majority of my classmates had a rest and walked in the time between school and doing their homeworks, I ran from one school to another, and the rest of my free time I spent doing my homeworks.

I used to spend my summer holidays with my grandmother. One of the vivid memoriea of that time are morning and evening ice-creams which my grandfather brought when he came back home from work. Despite plenty of sweets it was the most attractive delicacy.

The first attempts to choose anoccupation and to make it my future profession were when I was in the ninth form of a comprehensive school. One of the options was keeping on music education and entering a the conservatory. The second variant was to continue school education and then enter one of the univercities.

But music did not attract me so strongly any more, so having therefore, passed final examinations at the musical school, I finished my music education.

The education system at high school demanded a choice of the future speciality because the subjects were divided on compulsory and directed. Compulsory subjects included mathematics, history of Ukraine and world history, the Russian and Ukrainian languages and literature, programming and astrology. Other subjects were supposed to be studied according to the future specialization at high school. As I could not make a choice between a desire to become a lawyer ar a programmer, I've chosen the subjects corresponding to both professions.

In 2001 DonNTU carried out rating examinations and I decided to take the examinations to enter the faculty of of Computer Science. The examinations were given in three stages . And before leaving school I already knew I that have become a student of the university. It was a new step in my adult life. Before me I had final school examinations, cheerful final evening-party and summer holidays.

On the 1st of September, 2001 I met my first group at the university. It was interesting to adjust to a new way of training in spite of the fact that the last two years at school I had similar education system. However, there were no sessional examinations and there were not so many students at lectures at the same time as three senior classes totaled no more than 70 pupils who never attended lectures simultaneously. The first examinations was disturbing, but I passed them successfully.

On my second year I continued my education in an English group. At first it was very unusual to study subjects in English and I had to improve my language skills. The deep study of the English language gave me an opportunity to go abroad on a practice in the English language after my second year. So I have visited an international camp in Finland. It was terrible to go to an unfamiliar country where it was necessary to communicate only in English. In the camp I have met many interesting people, learned a lot of interesting about other countries and found friends with whom I continue to communicate by e-mail. It was splendid summer holidays.

In 2005 I have finished my fourth year at the university and received a diploma and the bachelor's degree. In 2006 I continue my master studies at the same university.