Magistracy Department of Donetsk National Technical University

Computer science faculty

Department of applied mathematics and informatics

Abstract of Thesis


Matrix-vector operation (MVO)

MVO characteristics

Runge-Kutta method

Ordinary differential equations (ODE)

ODE Iterative solving method

Acceleration via Newton method

ODE systems solving



Automated systems software specialty

Abstract of Thesis

"Parallel computational methods of Cauchy problem solving for the ordinary differential equation systems"

Russian version


For the ODE systems of the dimension m form of difference equations of type (4.2) is defined by the formula (7.1). This formula assumes relation of calculated factors to the n-th block.

Formula 7.1 (7.1)

By the analogy with the formulation of Cauchy problem (4.1), following facts are assumed with respect to the ODE system:

  • initial values u0,j definition for the 1-st block;
  • initial values u0,j for other blocks (n > 1) are calculated in previous blocks (n–1).

For the ODE system solving iterative process (7.2) is used for a preliminary stage. Iterative process (7.3) is used for direct iterations performing for the approximate solution calculation [5].

Formula 7.2 (7.2)

Formula 7.3 (7.3)

Let the numerical calculation process of required function values is performed on k points of the grid. Let the processor unit with number i performs approximate solution calculation u i,j in the fixed point ti for all equations of the original system. In order to realize the following calculations appropriate processor unit must have next data stored:

  • initial approximation vector of the unknown function U0 i,j;
  • vector of values for the ODE mesh functions in the initial point of the block F0 i,j;
  • value of an bi element of the vector B that holds factors of the single-step multipoint difference scheme;
  • vector of values of elements a i,j that is equivalent to the i-th column of matrix A;
  • vector of values of elements F i,j that is equivalent to the i-th row of matrix F.

Figure 7.1 represents computational dependence for the elements u i,j of matrix U(s+1) on (s+1)–th iterartion.

Figure 7.1

Figure 7.1 – Computational dependence for the elements u i,j of matrix U(s+1)

The main feature of such way of calculations performing is necessity of recomputing of all k * m values of matrix F(s). The given computing unit i contains only i-th line of matrix F(s).

Let all processor units are incorporated according to their numbers in a ring (see figure 7.2). As it was been described above, the unit i contains i-th row of matrix F(s). Elements of other rows can be obtained via performing of their cyclic shift communication operation between processor units of a ring. Such shift operation is performed (m–1) times on the step that is equal to 1. Each time after performing of such shift operation processor units obtain the data that is required for algorithm computations. Different stages of cyclic shift operation are presented in figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2

Figure 7.2 – Different stages of cyclic shift operation

ODE system solving time on all n to blocks without taking into account communication overhead is defined by the formula (7.4). ODE function F i,j computation time is defined by Tf[delta] value, where delta is duration of the model time step (the designation is made in case of other sense of delta).

Formula 7.4 (7.4)

Parallel algorithm acceleration of ODE system solving via single-step block method is defined by the formula (7.5) (communication overhead is taken in account).

Formula 7.5 (7.5)

Figures 7.3 and 7.4 represent dependence of parallel algorithm acceleration on equations count and numbers block points count correspondingly. There is no dependence of acceleration value on count of blocks.

Figure 7.3

Figure 7.3 – Dependence of parallel algorithm acceleration on ODE equations count (communication overhead is taken in account)

Figure 7.4

Figure 7.4 – Dependence of parallel algorithm acceleration on block points count (communication overhead is taken in account)

Efficiency of processor units utilizing by parallel algorithm is defined by the formula (7.6) (communication overhead is taken in account).

Formula 7.6 (7.6)

Figures 7.5 and 7.6 represent dependence of parallel algorithm efficiency on equations count and numbers block points count correspondingly. There is no dependence of efficiency value on count of blocks.

Figure 7.5

Figure 7.5 – Dependence of parallel algorithm efficiency on ODE equations count (communication overhead is taken in account)

Figure 7.6

Figure 7.6 – Dependence of parallel algorithm efficiency on block points count (communication overhead is taken in account)

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