Masters portal
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Sheludenkov Andrey Vladimirovych
Faculty: Computer Science and Informatics
Speciality: System Programming

Master's work: developing and researching client-server system for connecting mobile devices with server using Java tecnology

Supervisor: Anoprienko À. Y.
The childhood

On April, 15th 1985 it was first time when I saw this world. And by my reaction … I didn't like it. But I adapted quickly enough and to time have begun to study it, I remember something from this period when on few and often inconsistent data it is necessary to form understanding of an event.

At that time an ideological thinking which was naturally accompanied by acts often not approved by the senior generation for the first time has started to wake up.

As the consequence, many of the incidents which have occured in kindergarten at investigation for some reason converged on me. It is interesting, that I seldom personally in what participated, but subsequently it appeared, that the idea just was mine.

The bright impression of that time most likely – my public performance in children's musical group. I played on small bayan (the most responsible and difficult in development musical instrument in kindergarten)


In 1992 I have acted in a comprehensive school ¹ 3 of Ugledar.

In the ninth category whence there was a unhealthy interest to computers. As now I remember, knowing some commands of a BASIC, in conditions of absence of a computer of the house, used up whole writing-books algorithms of programs … it is glad, that it has passed:)

Favourite subject matters were physics, mathematics and chemistry.

At school practically was not interested in Olympiads, for the first time has accepted in them participation in the ninth category, has borrowed the first city seats on physics and jurisprudence.

Gave preference to the exact sciences: to physics and the mathematician. The hobby for physics has predetermined my choice of a structure of training in liceum in the further.

Was interested in a radio engineering: has soldered somehow time a synthesizer (which sound publishes) under the diagram which has thought up itself:)

In 2005 matriculated at the faculty Cadres Retraining (DonNTU, specialty "Enterprises Management", group CMP-05-1S)


The separate mark in my story about own life is borrowed with liceum, to be exact ' the Liceum at Donetsk National University ' in which I had happiness to be trained from 2000 till 2002. Those who there studied, will understand me, when I shall tell, that it were really the happiest years from all previous part of my life.

I have acted there absolutely casually. I has decided to try to pass the test for receipt and when have enlisted there was already nothing to do: it was necessary to study. And I am sincerely grateful to it, because this accident literally, seems to me, has changed further my life.

I was trained in liceum on a direction of "physics" as then was interested in this area more.

After its termination the first rate at university has passed imperceptibly. Still … a typical homework in liceum on physics for tomorrow: solve problems 130 - 160, 170 – 200. And we are, that is interesting, solved … learned on 12 poems on Ukrainian literature on one lesson … now even I am amazed of it’s…

With such study I and many other pupils without effort borrowed seats on regional Olympiads, at conference of the Small Academy of sciences.

Each teacher really aspired to present the subject interestingly and that is more important, at a professional level. Recollect the most favourite subject at school, the teacher who is best knew the subject, and now present, that such subjects all. Approximately so it is possible to describe teaching in liceum.


Upon termination of university had a possibility to choose from 2 specialtys: physics and computer science in Donetsk National University (by results of training in liceum) and “ System programming ” in Donetsk National Technical University by results of rating examinations. Having recollected old hobby, has chosen programming.

Five years of training here have flown by imperceptibly.

From the second semester of the fourth rate I have started to be engaged in research work on subject matter “ development and research of client-server system for interoperability of mobile arrangements with a server ” under direction of Cand.Tech.Sci. Anoprienko Alexander Jakovlevich. Subject matter I consider, interesting, actual, requiring new ideas. After it I schedule to protect master’s degree work.

Plans for the future

I never put before myself of long-term objectives. Perhaps, therefore sometimes too much time gave things which subsequently remained not demanded. I am engaged basically only in that is pleasant to me at present or the crane it is necessary for the reasons independent of me (the magic words here helps "IS necessary").

I prefer to not pass past success which comes itself, I operate optimum in conditions of the developed situation.

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