Galushka Catherine

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Galushka Catherine

Faculty: Economic

Speciality: Management by innovative activity

Theme of master's degree work:

Forming of regional innovative infrastructure

Leader: dots. kond. econ. scien. Kravchenko Sergey
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Ukr Rus

My biography

a little about me ...

My name is Catherine. I do not love boring work, does not love loneliness, does not like to wait... but if all of it is necessary for realization of my dream, I will tread on it I do not "love" and I will execute!

... ... now anymore about me

I was born on November, 24, 1985 in the Makeevka town of the Donetsk region. Day of my birth on an old calendar on December, 7, this day is considered the name-days of Catherine, but that it is more pleasant that the tsarina Catherine was in this day born. Therefore I aim to be the best in everything (although on your own). In grain I am a man public, loving common attention. Man I purposeful, put aims and try always to achieve them, and tasks to execute..

Two the most important men in my life, which took direct part in the process of my appearance on light are my parents:
- the father Dumpling is Vladimir is pensionary;
- to have the Dumpling Irene is house-owner

My veselen'koe childhood:)

From the stories of parents I was a very merry child and very active, even at times very much. Often thought of the invented histories so thought of, that at times in them believed. Like dancing from little up, parents had told that I had looked dances on a television set, and then was repeated, but I repeated them not as a 5 summer child. But with dances was not folded.

School years

School years were amused. All mugs which were at my school № 12 (and them was, unfortunately, small), I took part, sang, danced. In a 5 class got the first place " Cinderella", went in for sports, was a command captain from a 8 class for a 11 class. My command won even in senior pupils. I will never forget a critical moment in school years, to 6 class I studied badly and once I with a dad argued that will be able to study without three, I so wanted to make impression, that upon termination of semester kept indoors on a street, and sat learned mathematics. Conclusion: I finished 6 and next classes it is fine.

Impression through a school desk

there is it is sorry by not many teachers I can boast...I consider that in a teacher ability to bring information to the child must be main, to compel not only to think but also think. Teacher of Russian and literature Abramova Galina Feodor was a just the same man. When I came home, it was desirable to execute its lessons only. .

In higher forms I participated actively in different command erudite-competitions., in sporting competitions.

Choice dear in the future

To the choice of the first speciality came spontaneously, it was desirable to study an economy and computers were interesting, Result is I am the student DonNTU, specialities Economic cybernetics.

First experience of independent life

At first, as well as all, it was heavy!!! To adapt to other, to the no school methods of teaching, sessions, to lead new friends and it is simple to communicate in new collective, to adapt oneself to the terms of life in a dormitory. And it became high school of life on truth! Taught me quickly and mainly independently to understand something new (taught to study). I know now, what collective and which in him laws, what healthy competition. Brightest and more merry moments of student life, it is life in a dormitory. Truthful saying : "whoever lived in a dormitory that did not know student life". .

We continue to go to the light future

Getting a bachelor, changed speciality. This was a sharp and risk step in my life. Why I now reckless soviet. My new speciality for me is important. I know that in her the future, and I want, what this future would come together with me! Therefore I make all efforts to it. I indeed upon termination of studies want to work on the speciality..

ЧWith respect to plans on the future,, without a superfluous modesty I will say: "I want to be out of harm's way, to feel comfort and be rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ukr Rus
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