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university national technique of donetsk.
Faculte kita.

specialety"system telecominication and network".

Theme master-

"Designing segment of the cellular communications standard GSM-900".
Scientific adviser:IAREMKO.I.N




The mean score during training at university has made 4,0. Freely I speak French, Arabian and English . In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know Russian and Italian languages. I have skills of work with operational systems MS DOS, Windows, Linux; with programming languages - Borland Pascal, C, Delphi, Assembler; packages NetCracker, MathCAD, Matlab, MicrowaveOffice, System View. My biography: · the Childhood · School · University I, chock Âèññåì áåí Mohammed, was born on August, 6th, 1979. In the city of Monastir. My mother: Chock Jamila, she`s housewife and she was born in 1951 in the city of father: Chock Mohammed, was born â1944 in the city of Monastir, he deads in 1998.My sister: Chock Salwa, was born in 1977 in the city of Monastir.

MY childhood

from 1983 to 1985 i was in a  kindergarden in the city of Monastir. In 1986  i studied in an elementary school in the city where i had studied 6 years and had finished with EXELLENT in 1992 .In the Autumn of 1992  i studied in the lyce in my town. From 1992 to 1994 i studied in a sports class where i  played basketball and repeatly received awards.In 1995 i  studied in a technical class, took a great interest in mechanics. In 1998  i passed national examination.


In 1998 i studied  in the technical institute of the city of GABES , but i was obliged to interrupt my training. in 1999 i arrived in city so SOUSSE  where i studied in  technical training center on a speciality of "Telecommunication" and  received the diploma in 2002. To continue my studies I  arrived to Ukraine. from 2002 to 2003  i trained in preparatory faculty of Trading institute. In 2003 i arrived in Donetsk national technical university on faculty « Telecommunication systems and communication networks ». In 2007  i passed the state examination.


Now I continue my studies in the same faculty to get the diploma of the master. A theme master  works is:  `Designing segment of the cellular communications standard GSM-900', witch develops and improves quality of telecommunication. I hope that i will find a good job whitch can make me a good opportunities in the future. The supervisor of studies my work is : Yaremko I.N. He  helps me in writing my master works, directing me in the right way, supplying with the necessary literature and the helpfull  informations which are usefull in my work.