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Who understand the life – cease working...


I was born in the afternoon on January, 26th, 1988 in Donetsk. Since early years I was enough developed child. For example I reacted to a sound since 2nd week from birth. In 1990 my sister was born and also USSR has collapsed. During the preschool period I use to read many books, basically science fiction and scientific literature. In the same time because of magazine "Radio" started to be formed my interest to microprocessor technics.


In 1995 has gone to school №57, where all learning time has regular received good marks. Simultaneous was being formed my interest for computers and programming. First I had got access to IBM PC/XT 360, further I obtained and studied specialised literature. Then I obtained "Robick" – ZX-Spectrum of the domestic assemblage. On it for the first time I tried programming and after short studying of Basic I started to use ZX-Assembler. Further I got on additional lessons in the school informatics classroom (with IBM PC/XT 360). My theoretical knowledge at that moment has allowed me to easily finish my first computer science course.

In 2000 my family moved and I changed school to 61. In the new school proceeded my computer science study as teacher adviser. Also there has been outlined my specialisation on the exact sciences with mathematics as base. At last there for the first time I started to take part in the various olympiads and competitions.

In 14 years parents had presented to me my first computer C-III/64Mb/20Gb on which I began my first serious experiments both in programming and in system administration. Clearly the TASM assembler became my base programming language.

Finishing and entering

My school years finish became for 2005 year. For that moment I had already knew, that I would enter DonNTU onto the programmer speciality. I had a choice between specialities of SE and HE, and I preferred SE. I entered on by ratings, and after the second rating I have scored the first place with 50 points from 60. There summer had come and together with it – final examinations at school. Graduation has passed smoothly and soon we, yesterday's schoolboys, felt ourselves free. Free at least for one summer...


After moving I have changed an surrounding together with school. It is noticed for a long time that I'm more inclined to cooperate with the senior contemporaries. My new surrounding has led me to start my self-improving in alternative boundaries of bio-energetics, spirit and thinking. And conversion to category of people seeing relations between the isolated facts have become the first purpose of my self-developing...


At university unexpectedly for myself I have started to study as honours student. Because of next is a magistracy with the competition based on the study average mark.

I remember my first pair – Higher Mathematics, Scvortsov Anatoly Efremovich. From the beginning he had fine frightened us that we were afraid of his examination most of all. However because of him I had taken a great interest in mathematics and had grown fond of it.


Together with study my self-development looking like passive studying both the available information and an available surrounding has been proceeding. However it little varied its direction after one case in my life connected with an opposite sex. There has come a period of my active (and a little destructive) studying of another's thinking models.

Voiding (relieving)

Close to baccalaureate examination my comprehension level has raised so to see social system from above. More and more unacceptable my current state has been becoming. All it led to that I passed to a phase of the active self-developing that includes such things as Octave, holothropic breath and deprogramming. After half-year my negative departed to the periphery and I have distinguished an internal hollowness increasing...

The Future

My first purpose in the nearest future is the further eliminating of my thinking model and amplification of the internal hollowness to its limits. Also Project writing is included to my plans. Distant prospect includes ending of unmaking and transition to a new development level - reconstruction. And last, my near future plans include beginning the postgraduate study after the magistracy graduating.