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In modern conditions, the leadership of any organization begins to realize the fact that the most valuable potential, which must be available, is human potential. Every organization is looking for ways and means of using professional knowledge and experience of their employees both inside the organization and outside it, including relationships with consumers and suppliers. The degree of use of the human potential of the organization determines its success, a high level of competitiveness and a period of further functioning, creating conditions for achieving goals and objectives organization, taking into account possible risk factors of its internal and external environment.

Increasing the effective operation of the organization is based on the expedient development of human potential, by applying modern technologies of personnel management, as well as advanced, domestic and foreign experience. As a rule, how much purposefully and effectively use the latest technologies, which are the primary sources of development of productive forces, so priority is given to the priority social tasks of society.

Despite a multitude of scientific papers dealing with various aspects of the development and management of human potential, it is very rare there are works devoted specifically to the problems of managing human development at the level of the organization.

1. Goal and tasks of the research

The goal of the work is to substantiate the meaning and place of human potential in the o rganization, disclosure of the development of the human potential of the organization, as well as the justification of theoretical approaches to managing the development of the human potential of a modern organization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

2. The essence and structure of human potential

Theoretical and practical issues of formation and development of human potential engaged in such domestic and foreign scientists as: A. Doctorovich, T. Zaslavskaya, Y. Popov, N. Kormin, N. Mitzenko, G. Khmelev, G. Becker, L. Sen, T. Schultz and others. [11,12,14,15]. Research of scientists on this subject reveal and emphasize the features of effective use of human potential both at the micro level (organization) and macro level (region, country).

As part of the consideration of the category human potential, as a rule, they allocate labor, resource and staff potencial. However, in scientific literature very often identify the concepts of human potential and labor potential. It is important to understand the difference in these concepts, for this we should give them a characterization and form a clear understanding of their features and uniqueness.

According to Kondaurova I. labor potential of the employee is a set of inherent certain stocks health, knowledge, experience, intellectual abilities, culture, specific competence, motivation for effective work activities, the ability to learn and retrain, mobility that contribute to effective work and can serve internal factors of competitiveness in comparison with other workers [4].

According to Ivanov O. [7], human potential – it is a set formed in interaction with the social environment systems of universal (general) and specific (specialized) needs, abilities and readiness of various social communities, carry out socially necessary activities, basic social roles, functions that ensure both continuity and innovations in the development of vital social spheres, as well as in society as a whole.

The development of domestic enterprises is carried out using a wide range of resources, the level of accumulation of which largely influences the volumes and intensity of production and financial processes, hence the need to consider the concept of resource potential [4].

Resource potential is a set of relations arising from the attraction and use of resources, level and intensity of use of which forms new financial and economic, social and environmental conditions of economic activities that determine how to implement it and meet market needs and are focused on generating the maximum profit level or other effect according to the mission throughout the life cycle of the enterprise [2].

Formation and development of human potential determines the expansion of the possibilities of human choice and progressive changes in the role and status of the worker at all stages of the production process of the organization [3].

Efficiency and continuity of activity of any organization depends on the availability of certain stocks of material, financial, information and human resources, which constitute the resource potential of the organization. It should be noted that human potential should be considered as a key component of the resource potential of the enterprise (organization).

The structure of human potential within the functioning of the organization includes the following components, which are divided into two levels: basic (physical, mental, social health) and activity, including physiological, psychological, intellectual, social and cultural potentials. Development activity human potential implies the mastery of new information, its accumulation and manifestation in the process of performing labor functions.

As a rule, in any successfully functioning organization the core of human potential is formed by employees with high ability to work, carrying out coordinating actions for the performance of certain goals and tasks, and as a result of obtaining benefits for markets of knowledge, goods and services.

3. Features of development human potential as an important element of competitiveness of the organization

The development of the human potential of an organization is seen as the formation of human abilities and the realization of the acquired abilities in the productive goals of the organization. Formation human abilities implies the strengthening of health, the acquisition of knowledge, the improvement of professional skills [5].

The process of development human potential involves the solution of certain tasks that the organization sets itself. Among which:

Development of the human potential of the organization is an essential condition functioning of every organization, and is especially relevant in modern conditions, when the acceleration of scientific and technological progress significantly speeds up the process of obsolescence of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, hence the need to train staff as a means of achieving the organization's strategic goals.

Management of development human potential of the organization

Management of development human potential of the organization – a set of activities aimed at improving knowledge, information, experience of staff, organizational opportunities, the use of information channels in their activities as a result of interaction personnel with each other and with information resources, as well as personnel and elements of physical capital in the production process.

The management of development human potential is based on the relevant personnel policy of the organization, which, in turn, has an impact on its formation. Activities to improve the level of development human potential of the organization focus on external, internal and personality factors.

Competent management of development human potential will allow the organization to rationally use and distribute available labor resources, in order to optimize financial and economic activities for the growth of competitiveness.


Within the category of human potential selection of labor, resource and personnel potentials.

Human potential should be viewed as a universal social-labor category that characterizes the level and dynamics of development of various socio-economic processes in the organization, through the development of human and satisfaction of his needs. Formation and development of human potential determines the expansion of the possibilities of human choice and progressive changes in the role and status of the employee at all stages of the organization's production process.

When writing this abstract master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: May-June 2018. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.


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