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In modern market conditions, the economic development efficiency of enterprises and the state as a whole largely depends on resources invested in the so-called human factor, without which it would be impossible to ensure the development of society.

A labor potential capable of development turns a person into an important resource of production: labor productivity, motivation and innovative potential of a person determine the success of a strategy aimed at intensifying production, competitiveness of products and the enterprise as a whole.                         

1. Relevance of the topic

Realization of the goals of production activity depends on the ability of personnel to realize the goals of the enterprise with appropriate material, technical, informational and organizational support of the labor process. Such ability is determined by labor potential, which acts as one of the fundamental categories in personnel management.

The theoretical foundations of labor potential management are laid by the research of such scientists as B. M. Genkin, V. A. Dyatlov, I. Yu. Eremin, A. Ya. Kibanov, M. M. Kritsky, Yu. G. Odegov and others. A variety of personnel management issues related to the labor potential and employee interaction were raised in the works of foreign scientists: S. L. Bru, R. Dornbusch, J. Ivantsevich, A. Kempinski, K. R. McConnell, S. Smith, R. S. Fisher et al.

2. The purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the interaction of workers based on the development of the labor potential of the enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the main tasks of the master's thesis are:

3. Theoretical aspects of managing the labor potential of the enterprise, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and labor relations of workers.

Entering into interaction with the enterprise, employees are faced with various aspects of the organizational environment. Considering the processes of interaction, we note the close relationship that exists between the labor potential and the organizational environment. This means that the features of interaction are reflected in the content of the components of the labor potential, and the more accurate the idea of ??it, the more correct will be the results of a comparison of the potential labor opportunities of workers.

The idea of ??the essence of labor potential and complexity in developing methods for managing them that are acceptable for practical purposes are a problem on the way to developing an effective system of employee interaction. Solving the problem requires the development of analysis methods that have a practical focus, are theoretically justified and necessitate the solution of the following main tasks:

The solution of the problems presented contributes to the formation of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for the interaction of enterprise workers.

Employee interaction is the process of the influence of employees and their groups on each other, in which each action is determined both by the previous state of the components of the labor potential and the expected result from the actions of any of the employees participating in the interaction.

Under the mechanism of interaction of employees of the enterprise on the basis of labor potential is understood the totality of methods, approaches and algorithms that determine the ability to regulate the interaction of workers, taking into account the degree to which the vocational qualification, personal and psychophysiological characteristics of workers correspond to the main goals of the enterprise.

By regulating the interaction of workers on the basis of labor potential, we mean the process of targeted impact on labor relations aimed at realizing the main production goals using methods, approaches and algorithms that determine the development of labor potential. The definition emphasizes that regulation is carried out precisely on the basis of labor potential.

4.Analysis of social and labor relations and the formation of the labor potential of the enterprise

Considering the interaction of workers as a process, we will present the following sequence: the goals of the enterprise – labor potential-components of labor potential-interaction management decisions result labor potential - goals of the enterprise. In this sequence, it should be noted that the interaction is delivered after the components. The results of the analysis, reflected by the degree to which goals are achieved, by making competent management decisions contribute to improving the quality of labor potential. As a result, there are additional opportunities to build an organizational and economic mechanism for the interaction of enterprise workers based on the development of labor potential.

The organizational and economic mechanism for the interaction of workers is built from a different set of organizational and economic technologies for managing labor potential. Target settings for the personnel are expressed by ordering two or more technical and economic indicators of labor potential and employee interaction.

The benchmark in the management of labor potential is its actual condition. With this in mind, we highlight the main features of the sphere of comparing the functions of the labor potential and the process of employee interaction:

Labor potential and employee interaction processes are closely related, since the quality of potential determines labor opportunities, and hence the organizational environment.

5. Development of proposals for the development of the labor potential of the enterprise based on the competency-based approach


Consistent implementation of the goal allowed us to obtain certain scientific results and draw the following main conclusions.

Labor potential allows us to judge the labor-oriented set of personality characteristics, expressing its potential, defining individual behavior in a professional environment and ensuring the competitiveness of the employee as a specialist.

The improvement of the professional qualification structure of personnel taking into account the main goals of the enterprise should be carried out on the basis of an objective analysis of labor potential.

The quality of the labor potential is characterized by the degree to which the vocational qualification, personal and psychophysiological characteristics of employees correspond to the main goals of the enterprise. Vocational qualification, personal and psychophysiological characteristics, with their appropriate choice, characterize the quality of interaction. Therefore, labor productivity is determined by the values ??of technical and economic indicators of labor potential, which are also a reflection of the quality of interaction and reflecting the achieved final result of labor.

The change in the qualification requirements for an employee due to the development of the theory and practice of forming labor potential occurs in the following stages: requirements for the ability of the employee to perform labor actions and operations – requirements for the degree of possession of specific production skills recorded in the requirements for the profession and specialty, etc. e. qualification - requirements for the breadth of the range of knowledge, the ability to adapt, the possession of business and personal qualities necessary to achieve the economic goals of a particular organization, i.e. competence.

The competency model can be applied to ensure coordination and coordination of almost all processes related to managing the organization’s labor potential. Thus, the competency model can be defined as a basic, multifunctional and universal tool for the development of the labor potential of an enterprise. .

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