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Berezhetskaya Olga
The master of Chair of management and economic law
Faculty of economy and management
Theme of master's work:
The supervisor of studies: corresponding member of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the professor,
the doctor of economic
sciences Amosha A.
- What is our life?
A struggle.
- What is our life?
A particle!
And how many forces and
work will need
To achieve something in it!
Berezhetskaya Olga
I was born in the fine city of Donetsk smelling sweet as pink aromas - " City of roses ", on October, 11, 1982.
Probably, as well as all children at that time, since 3 years I has gone to a kindergarden "Breeze" and, since this moment I began to be formed as the creative person. Teacher Savostova Nadezhda Markovna - remarkable, kind, clever,just say, simply the Person from the big letter has noticed my creative potential. And my life has twirled... She began to give me creative tasks on drawing, since 4 years me have given to Children's sports section on art gymnastics, but for me and it was a little: I all time glanced at the huge accordion facing in a corner on which my mummy played. Before September, 1, 1987 my grandmother has seen the announcement of a competitive set of children in dancing ensemble "Sun" where I have successfully consulted with all tasks and has been enlisted. Вecause of a new hobby for gymnastics it was necessary to offer, but without a regret! Since then in a kindergarden I becameSimply the constant participant of all competitions, morning performances and solemn actions. My week has been painted so, that in it it was not simple time to miss and idle: dances, drawing, pool and a kindergarden. Nadezhda Markovna in 1987 has organized an exhibition of my figures, and In the following has appointed me the Snow Maiden on all children's morning performances is for me it was valuable, new and it is unforgettable.
In 1989 I have gone in I a class of comprehensive school I-III of steps № 17 of Donetsk.
The school life appeared for me not less interesting and fascinating. I still remained the permanent participant of all school actions, was the head of a class and cultural sector. I perfectly combined all this with excellent study. To all my hobbies it was added also art school. In the second class I have passed examination on a classical choreography and have been enlisted in эстрадно-choreographic ensemble "Chocolate" regional PCTC, and in 3 class I have simply gone and have passed examinations in musical school. Now I also accompanied chastooshkas on the class holiday . To me trusted to carry out lessons of work and drawing and when the teacher should leave on a pair of minutes she was not afraid to leave a class - knew, that all will be in the order! But also in this vital period, I have an elementary school in a kind, there was one disappointment. I have dared to draw V.I.Lenina on one of lessons FROM, for as have obtained "4" in a quarter on drawing.
With transition in high school has changed nothing. Except that in 1993 in connection with crossing it was necessary to replace a place of study. And me have transferred in SS 1-3 steps № 43, there I have quickly got new friends and have gained authority. The school life abounded competitions and actions, all-round developing children. I took part in performances of a school command of KVN, there was the secretary of the regional youth organization an Advice of youth of the Kiev area, Ms. of school 97, the winner of competition " the Person dawn - 98 ", organized by the regional newspaper upon " the Female world ", has borrowed 1 place in regional Olympiad on physics, with ensemble "Chocolate" went on performances to Kharkov, Kiev. These trips were unforgettable. The beauty of architectural monuments of these cities simply bewitched, inspired, gave force for the further development of talents. My choreographer, Levitan Larisa Borisovna, spoke, that I " live in dance ". And I really liked to dance! A class in 8 I began to think of to act in School of culture and to become the choreographer, but the destiny has disposed differently. Disorder of the USSR has led to decline of spirituality of people, about culture, children's laughter, dances have started to forget. Spirituality and culture have been thrown on an arbitrariness. And I have solved, that it is necessary to choose a trade more essential and actual which could provide to me worthy existence. And my constant aspiration to validity натолкнуло me on an idea to become the lawyer. In 11 class I began to go from additional rates on jurisprudence and history, passed various psychological testings in the Department of Internal Affairs Donetsk одласти, say, prepared for receipt in the Kharkov legal academy him. J.Mudrogo. All preliminary examinations and testings have been handed over with success, but I мечне could not be carried out. And in June, 1999 I in feverish rate began to prepare for receipt in Donetsk state technical university. Why there? Yes because I was involved with a speciality wonderfully combining in economy and the right - the organization of economic-legal maintenance of the enterprises.
Examinations have been handed over perfectly well. And I became the student of day time branch DonGtU. Study at University took away all forces and it was necessary to forget about dances, but not for a long time. On 1 rate became the prize-winner of university Olympiad on the Ukrainian language, to took a part in the conferences and wanted to be the first in all. Being the student 3 rates it was arranged in a civil engineering firm with the secretary, has got an operational experience, has learned to work with office equipment, to find a compromises in the work with people and continued to study on day time training because of which it was necessary to refuse in a consequence work with full working day. Last month of work at office combined with подработкой on Saturdays the choreographer at school. Work with children, an opportunity to go on performances, itself to plan the day and the work have involved me and in 2002 I became the student of faculty of additional trades of Donetsk national university on a speciality the teacher-organizer of physical training and sports. For 2 years of work my children's Studio of modern dance "Tytti-ta" became the winner of regional competition of choreographic collectives " Cheerful каблучок ", and at city competition has borrowed 3 place (and 1 and 2 places were not awarded). Thus, at present I am the student of two universities, the head of studio of modern dance, I have the red bachelor's degree on a speciality "management", I dream to issue the collection of verses and to write the book.
There can be somepeople me will not understand. Will tell, and here economy if you want to connect the life to sports and art. But I never shall disagree with them . Because I think, that each person if it wants to become successful in a life should know, be a lot of advanced not only in any one direction, to have own opinion, to be not ordinary and constantly to aspire to receive new knowledge - that is to be the person!
As to plans for the future then all is simple.I want to be the manager in the own center of health and culture . I understand, that for this purpose it is necessary to work, get a lot of experience and to be typed professionalism. It does not frighten me, as my vital slogan " Win itself " -I know, that work and huge desire is 50 % of success!
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